[liberationtech] The zeta radio network

Jesse Krembs jessekrembs at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 12:58:28 PST 2011

What's interesting to me this that the Cartels radio network isn't really
that sophisticated looking. From the pictures in the articles it's a
UHF/VHF voice net with repeaters. Now they might be interconnected into a
complex radio net and they might also be encrypted but this type of
technology is pretty basic as compared to ad hoc wireless mesh networks.
That being said a simple robust and operational radio voice network is a
wonderful tool. You can buy canned networks like this form some VARS.

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 1:03 PM, <liberationech at lewman.us> wrote:

> Apropos to other discussions here, all technology is
> dual-use.
> The AP wrote up some more details about the radio/cell/mesh network used
> by the Mexican drug cartels,
> http://news.yahoo.com/mexicos-cartels-build-own-national-radio-system-200251816.html
> .
> I find the word choice of this article more interesting. When activists
> do this sort of thing, the network is cobbled together from bits and
> pieces and spare parts. When a drug cartel does the exact same thing,
> it's a sophisticated, advanced technological engineering exercise.
> --
> Andrew
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Jesse Krembs
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