[liberationtech] IGP Blog :: Technology as symbol: Is resistance to surveillance technology being misdirected?

Katrin Verclas katrin at mobileactive.org
Thu Dec 22 11:22:09 PST 2011

I knew you were going to hit back (though I expected a bit harder :)  Anyone rebut this in an actual blog post or other written piece? Not finding anything but he has a point in his argument that simplistic measures can truly backfire... (I am reminded of the conflict mobile mineral disaster...)

On Dec 21, 2011, at 6:09 PM, Andre Rebentisch wrote:

> Am 21.12.2011 19:04, schrieb Katrin Verclas:
>> Some interesting questions raised here about advocacy efforts re. surveillance tech. Main point: it's complicated and we need a more nuanced conversation about our collective advocacy goals.  
>> Brett, Eric, Jacob and all - discuss.. 
>> http://blog.internetgovernance.org/blog/_archives/2011/12/20/4962713.html
> "First, we need to stop pretending that a specific type of technology
> and a few commercial vendors can be vested with responsibility for an
> entire societal system of repression and control."
> Another Milton Mueller: "You can only ban behaviors, i.e. specific uses,
> not "capabilities.""
> All this is, understood, 199x cyber-libertarian ideology, but has
> nothing to do with tightening export controls crn consulting services
> for surveillance and military capabilities of dictatorial regimes.
> Ironically, Art 41 UN Charta provides for sanctions limiting
> telecommunication while the current debate is centered around the exact
> opposite.
> --- A

Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org

skype/twitter: katrinskaya
(347) 281-7191

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