[liberationtech] Twitter has released the source code to TextSecure under the GPL

Ale Fernandez skoria at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 01:55:48 PST 2011


Inspired by the thread about twitter, I went to see how the Tahrir 
project(to build a decentralised, anonymous microblogging system) had 
been going. When I saw there wasn't much progress I contacted it's 
author Ian Clarke (of Freenet). Here is the exchange we had.


Please forward it if you can, to places where java developers might be - 
it would be good to give this project a little push in visibility and 
developer time...



On 21/12/11 08:05, Nick Merrill wrote:
> http://techpresident.com/news/21537/twitter-buys-crypto-tech-then-open-sources-it
> huzzah!
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