[liberationtech] meeting protocols

Douglas Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Tue Dec 20 16:47:14 PST 2011

For a paper that I'm  writing with Fiorella De Cindio -- and  for  
general knowledge -- I'd love to hear from many liberation  
technologists out there.

In the U.S. governmental bodies as well as non-profit corporations  
(perhaps  a million or more of them) use a protocol called Robert's  
Rules of Order to conduct meetings. This system allows people to make  
proposals (called "motions") which are then discussed and possibly  
modified, and  ultimately rejected or accepted through voting.

Please let me know (1) if there is something similar in your  country  
and, if  so, (2) what is it called; and (3) what country are you  
reporting  on. [Feel free to send other information if you'd like.]

I'll be happy to consolidate the results and report them back to you!

BTW, we maintain that supporting this type of collaboration and  
deliberation is key to liberation technology research and practice...   
which is perhaps a controversial view?


-- Doug

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

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