[liberationtech] Saudi Prince invests $300mn in Twitter

Fran Parker lilbambi at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 13:51:11 PST 2011

Thanks Jillian. I see what you mean. Twitter trending topics really are 
an imperfect science. Fascinating topic thought.

Thanks for posting the link and info again. I think I must have missed 
it when you posted earlier or wasn't on the list at that time since I 
only joined recently and have been very quiet mainly and listening 
rather than posting much of anything until today.

Will likely go back to listen and learn mode now...Thanks again!

On 12/19/11 4:37 PM, Jillian C. York wrote:
> Blocked from what - Trending Topics?  Unlikely.  I'll point to this article
> for what must be the 100th time:
> http://blog.socialflow.com/post/7120244374/data-reveals-that-occupying-twitter-trending-topics-is-harder-than-it-looks
> Trending topics are an imperfect science that do not rely on volume, but
> rather, velocity.  Thus, there are *numerous* topics that "should have"
> trended, but did not (see also: #flotilla #iranelection, etc).
> I *highly* doubt that Twitter engineers are sitting there saying "Ooh,
> let's censor #Manning from the TT list."  More likely, the algorithm is
> just crappy and doesn't reflect true popularity.  Or, Twitter users really
> don't give a crap about politics.
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Fran Parker<lilbambi at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Maybe not #Occupy or #OWS but what about #Manning? Someone told me
>> recently that #Manning was being blocked. Is that possible?
>> BTW: Twitter unblocked @d_seaman and apologized. And actually came back
>> and said he actually got suspended twice and the second time was a glitch
>> bug thing that they are working on.
>> --
> jilliancyork.com | @jilliancyork | tel: +1-857-891-4244 | google voice:
> +1-415-562-JILL

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