[liberationtech] Kazakhstan

Katy Pearce katy at katypearce.net
Sat Dec 17 06:19:40 PST 2011

Yes, much of Central Asia depends on Internet via Kazakhstan.

There are some sat phone internet efforts that I know of, but I'll touch
base again after asking some friends...
On Dec 17, 2011 9:17 AM, "Rebecca MacKinnon" <rebecca.mackinnon at gmail.com>

> Some members of this list may have seen news of the government crackdown
> in Kazakhstan.
> http://www.hrw.org/news/2011/12/17/kazakhstan-investigate-violence-oil-rich-western-region
> http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/17/us-kazakhstan-clashes-idUSTRE7BG08D20111217
> Excerpt from the HRW report:
> "The government has apparently shut down access to at least some mobile,
> voice, and text services in Zhanaozen. By late afternoon, Human Rights
> Watch could no longer reach workers by mobile phone, and access to
> Twitter.com and other news sites reporting on the unrest had been blocked
> by the authorities. “Without a means to communicate with the outside world,
> people in Zhanaozen are extremely vulnerable,” Rittmann said."
> Is anybody aware of efforts to set up dial-up access, satellite internet
> access, ad hoc radio or wireless networks  or anything for Kazakhstan? I'm
> hearing rumors (unconfirmed) that shutdown of Internet and some mobile
> services may extend beyond Zhanaozen.
> If anybody is aware of any efforts underway please let me know either on
> or off-list. I know some people who may be interested in supporting such
> efforts but they don't know who to approach.
> Cheers,
> Rebecca
> --
> Rebecca MacKinnon
> Schwartz Senior Fellow, New America Foundation
> Cofounder: GlobalVoicesOnline.org
> Author: ConsentoftheNetworked.com
> Office: +1-202-596-3343
> Twitter: @rmack
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