[liberationtech] NDAA passes

Fran Parker lilbambi at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 09:29:22 PST 2011

This is such a sad day...NDAA passed last night.

Unfortunately, the House of Representatives passed the NDAA 
overwhelmingly last night by a vote of 283 to 136. You can see how your 
representative and the members of your state’s delegation voted here. It 
now heads to the Senate for final passage.


Combined, NDAA and SOPA simply destroy American democracy. That isn't 
hype. That isn't exaggeration. Within a few days, your freedom of speech 
will be gone -- post something controversial online, and the government 
can legally "disappear" it.


American Democracy: 1776-2011.
It turns out that destroying the American democratic republic was easy 
to accomplish, historians will write someday. Simply get the three major 
cable news networks to blather on about useless bull**** for a few days, 
while legislators meet in secret behind closed doors to rush through the 
National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), and its evil twin 
sister, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which is a clever name for an 
Internet censorship bill straight out of an Orwellian nightmare.


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