[liberationtech] Network Surveillance: Access Control, Transparency, Power and Circumvention in the 21st Century

Masashi Nishihata masashi at citizenlab.org
Wed Dec 14 07:13:05 PST 2011

FYI this workshop may be of interest to list members:

The workshop “Network Surveillance: Access Control, Transparency, Power
and Circumvention in the 21st Century” will be held on February 7, 2012
in Toronto as part of the iConference 2012.

Pervasive networking and the development of powerful methods of
analyzing data moving over networks is making surveillance more
prevalent in everyday life. This international workshop on Network
Surveillance is a joint event organized by four universities in Canada
and the U.S.

We would like to invite scholars, professionals, and activists to
critically discuss contemporary network surveillance technologies and
their implications for privacy, security, political power and Internet
governance. These dialogues will be guided by four distinct themes:
Access Control, Transparency, Power and Circumvention.

For further information on this workshop, please
<http://networksurveillance.wordpress.com/>, see our flyer here:
http://bit.ly/uObnoa.To register for this workshop go

Masashi Nishihata
Research Manager, Citizen Lab
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto

Web: http://www.citizenlab.org
Phone: (416) 946-8903

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