[liberationtech] Did Libya cut off the internet today in Benghazi?
Craig Blaha
craig.blaha at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 03:41:45 PST 2011
I found this exchange on Twitter (attached screen shot shows
@libyans_revolt telling Dan Murphy @bungdan that he was in touch with
people during the protests from Benghazi). A 30 - 60 minute outage may have
been missed by one individual.
I didn't find anything else after a few Twitter searches. Hope this helps!
On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 5:31 AM, Brian Conley <brianc at smallworldnews.tv>wrote:
> I do have a number of reports the cut was intentional, believe it was
> localized to Benghazi, or at least east of the country, that said, I'm
> still considering this rumor for the time being and seeking additional
> information on the ground in Libya, but trying to find technical means as
> may exist for double checking.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Dec 12, 2011, at 22:36, Andrew Lewis <andrew at pdqvpn.com> wrote:
> Brian,
> Via that tool it is unlikely that will we know for sure until at least a
> few days from now, it takes some time for data to appear there sometimes.
> Also since it was a short disruption, it maybe hard to tell exactly what
> happened because it ma
> y of not picked the disruption up. I would also not attribute it to malice
> of some kind, it could of been an actual outage, and now people are
> spreading rumors that it was cut. With all that said I will ask around and
> see if anyone noticed anything. Was it localized to Benghazi, or was it
> nationwide?
> -Andrew
> On Dec 13, 2011, at 1:24 AM, Brian Conley wrote:
> A number of reports have come to my attention today that someone in the
> NTC, the new leadership in Libya, ordered the internet connection in
> Benghazi cut today, during protests there against corruption and the NTC.
> I'm trying to follow up this issue, and wondering if there's supporting
> data to be found here: http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/traffic/
> It's believed the cut was very brief, 30-60 minutes, before a local
> militia forced those responsible to reverse the action. I'm also not yet
> sure whether it actually happened, or is a rumor, however it does appear
> there was a differentiation in the fraction of total traffic from Libya in
> comparison with preceding days. Can anyone assist who has a better
> understanding of how those statistics actually work?
> Regards
> Brian
> --
> Brian Conley
> Director, Small World News
> http://smallworldnews.tv
> m: 646.285.2046
> Skype: brianjoelconley
> public key:
> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xE827FACCB139C9F0
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Craig Blaha
craig.blaha at gmail.com
(512) 537-5951
School of Information
1616 Guadalupe
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78701-1213
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