[liberationtech] Did Libya cut off the internet today in Benghazi?

Andrew Lewis andrew at pdqvpn.com
Mon Dec 12 22:36:37 PST 2011


Via that tool it is unlikely that will we know for sure until at least a few days from now, it takes some time for data to appear there sometimes. Also since it was a short disruption, it maybe hard to tell exactly what happened because it ma
y of not picked the disruption up. I would also not attribute it to malice of some kind, it could of been an actual outage, and now people are spreading rumors that it was cut. With all that said I will ask around and see if anyone noticed anything. Was it localized to Benghazi, or was it nationwide?


On Dec 13, 2011, at 1:24 AM, Brian Conley wrote:

> A number of reports have come to my attention today that someone in the NTC, the new leadership in Libya, ordered the internet connection in Benghazi cut today, during protests there against corruption and the NTC.
> I'm trying to follow up this issue, and wondering if there's supporting data to be found here: http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/traffic/
> It's believed the cut was very brief, 30-60 minutes, before a local militia forced those responsible to reverse the action. I'm also not yet sure whether it actually happened, or is a rumor, however it does appear there was a differentiation in the fraction of total traffic from Libya in comparison with preceding days. Can anyone assist who has a better understanding of how those statistics actually work?
> Regards
> Brian
> -- 
> Brian Conley
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