[liberationtech] Girls ICT projects in developing countries

Md.Rahmatullah Faruque rahmatullah.faruque at gmail.com
Sat Aug 27 21:35:13 PDT 2011

Hi Linda,

It's so nice of talking to you.Could you pls specify what kinds of ICT based
girls empowerment information you are seeking for. Here in Bangladesh we,
RELIEF International implemented ICT based Girls Empowerment projects
including for Person with visually impaired.School Girls are empowered with
the education relating how to exchange their views with the students around
the world.Students here in Bangladesh participated in Exchange programme
between US and Bangladesh. Besides, To protect human rights, we are also
advocating for ICTs as a significant tools for human rights.

So, we always speak of the integration ICTs into education and development

I will be gald to be contacted if you need further information

skype: faruque_ri
Mobile phone: +8801716063236
email:rahmatullah.faruque at ri.org

On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Linda Raftree <lindaraftree at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello members of the list!
> I'm looking to identify examples of programs where ICTs have been used with
> marginalized girls in developing countries, and even more specifically for
> examples where they have been used in programs with girls who have a
> disability. Any suggestions are very appreciated!
> Thanks very much,
> Linda
> --
> Linda Raftree
> phone: +1-401-440-5432 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
> +1-401-440-5432      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
> blog:  http://lindaraftree.wordpress.com
> twitter:  @meowtree
> skype: lindaraftree
> "Don't question why she needs to be so free.... She'll tell you it's the
> only way to be."
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