[liberationtech] Invitation: Internet and revolutions - How can net activism strengthen democratic change?

Marcin de Kaminski Marcin.de_Kaminski at soclaw.lu.se
Fri Aug 19 07:54:55 PDT 2011

Dear all,

This is information about an upcoming conference with the working title
"Internet and revolutions - How can net activism strengthen democratic

On October 26th. SIDA, the Swedish International Development Cooperation
Agency, in cooperation with Juliagruppen, the Julia Group, presents a one
day conference in Stockholm targeting the events during recent popular
revolts in the MENA region, both in term of on-location grass-root movements
and outside net based activist groups. Main question is to pinpoint how the
Internet can be used for supporting democratic movements across the world,
and how this can be done in cooperation between i.e. Swedish agencies, net
activists and democratic movements in countries suffering under totalitarian

Among the guests of the day are Scott Lucas (Enduring America), Jacob
Appelbaum (the TOR project), Stephan Urbach (Telecomix), Måns Adler
(Bambuser), Slim Amamou (Tunisia), Alaa Abd El Fattah (Egypt), Maryam
Al-Khawayah (Bahrain) and others yet to be disclosed. The conference will be
hosted by me and Yasmine El-Rafie (Swedish journalist with focus on MENA and
social media).

There will be presentations, panel debates and time to meet, connect and
discuss the future. The conference aims to cover the events in the MENA
region from Iran 2009 to the ongoing struggle in Syria. The conference will
also be webcasted with some level of interaction if you can not participate
on site.

Public information about the conference will be released during the
forthcoming week, so please do not distribute this information outside your
closest circles of trust.

To be sure to get a seat, please reply to this email asap. The number of
seats will be limited, so invitations are used to ensure that the audience
consists of well informed and initiated people. For the formal invitation I
need name, title/position and email address.

Best regards,
Marcin de Kaminski

Marcin de Kaminski
PhD Candidate, Sociology of Law - www.soclaw.lu.se
Cybernorm project - www.cybernormer.se
The Julia Group - www.juliagruppen.se

Phone#: +46-(0)768-045151
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