[liberationtech] Jazeera's 'The Stream' seeks tech intern

Luke Allnutt AllnuttL at rferl.org
Fri Aug 19 06:27:13 PDT 2011

Sounds like a great opportunity to me.
-- Luke

Ben Connors <ben.connors at aljazeera.net> 
Sent by: liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu
08/19/2011 03:20 PM

Ale Fernandez <skoria at gmail.com>
"liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu" <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
Re: [liberationtech] Jazeera's 'The Stream' seeks tech intern


I hope I haven't offended you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, please 
find mine below. If you'd like to discuss it more I would suggest we take 
it off the Lib-tech list serve.

On first blush I completely agree with you. Times are tough.

I wish I had some sway over the intern stipend. I of course do not. 
Confidentially, I have my own financial gripes with the company.

However, the industry is a transitional one. This unit is offering a 
glimpse into what non-fiction TV may well transform into in the near 
future. I understand it would take a fairly privileged individual to 
commit to this particular position, but you'll notice the letter doesn't 
list required skills. I expect to have to do plenty of 'on the job 

My hope is to provide a great learning experience for some gung-ho young 
person at a little less than the cost of a college class. I would be frank 
with a candidate who I felt was over qualified.

Ben Connors

On Aug 19, 2011, at 4:50 AM, Ale Fernandez wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm sure this must be standard practice, but 100 dollars a week surely
> can't buy much happyness in new york!! And for programming web apps,
> pitching stuff at big meetings and making loads of new kinds of media,
> which isn't easy.
> The job description even tries to lay claim to your free time. What kind
> of beast do you have to be to have so much saved money to subsist for 2
> months plus, devoting work and free time to something that might not
> even lead to a job?
> It makes me really sad to see this kind of ability so devalued, even
> with the dangling carrot of proper employment in a big media company, as
> much as I like al-jazeera.
> I wish they could hire people properly, with a contract allowing for a
> trial period - which I also think is surely standard in some places, or
> at least give food, transport or accomodation...
> Ale
> On 18/08/11 18:26, Ben Connors wrote:
>> Hello Lib Tech,
>> I thought you all might be able to help me find an intern.
>> Please feel free to forward this email to relevant parties.
>> Very much appreciated,
>> Ben Connors
>> @bcatdc
>> 202.213.0674
>> The Stream | Creative Strategist
>> http://facebook.com/benjconnors
>> ********************************************
>> I'm looking for an intern for a show I helped launch. The show is 
>> 'The Stream.' It's a daily talk-show on Al Jazeera English. The show is
>> truly groundbreaking in it's adoption of social-media. We don't 
>> describe ourselves as TV but as a Social Network that happens to have a
>> daily show.
>> The position is for someone interested in the "technical" side of
>> things. The intern's duties would include creating motion graphics,
>> managing the network of on-set computers, editing interviews and
>> uploading content to our various social platforms.
>> The show's team is small, young and cohesive. It relies heavily on the
>> help and participation of the interns and they are given a large degree
>> of responsibility. Our show strives to be VERY inventive, I think of
>> myself as the R&D department of the show, and the technical intern will
>> be encouraged to spend any free time helping to invent new modes of
>> televisual communication.
>> That could be creating motion graphics (I'm trying to pioneer the use 
>> CSS3 and webkit for live tv), web applications, automating daily tasks?
>> Etc. Everyone is encouraged to participate in show's editorial process,
>> and while this internship is not an editorial one, the intern will be
>> encouraged to pitch stories and to attend all editorial meetings.
>> The internship is at the Newseum in downtown Washington DC. The ideal
>> intern would be available from 9-5, Monday-Thursday. Al Jazeera offers 
>> $100 weekly stipend to all interns. The internship requires a minimum 2
>> month commitment and is available immediately (?or as soon as we can
>> find an empty chair).
>> Here is a link to a great description of the show?

>> ?here is a link to our website itself?
>> http://stream.aljazeera.com <http://stream.aljazeera.com/>
>> ?and of course we're on
>> http://Www.facebook.com/ajstream
>> And
>> http://twitter.com/ajstream
>> Applicants are encouraged to get in touch and to provide a resume and
>> statement of interest.
>> Thanks for your time,
>> Ben Connors
>> @bcatdc
>> 202.213.0674
>> The Stream | Creative Strategist
>> http://facebook.com/benjconnors
>> Notice: This email is intended only for the use of the individual or
>> entity named above and may contain information that is confidential and
>> privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby
>> notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email
>> is strictly prohibited. Opinions, conclusions and other information in
>> this message that do not relate to the official business of our firm
>> shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.
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>> liberationtech mailing list
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> liberationtech mailing list
> liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
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On Aug 19, 2011, at 4:50 AM, Ale Fernandez wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm sure this must be standard practice, but 100 dollars a week surely
> can't buy much happyness in new york!! And for programming web apps,
> pitching stuff at big meetings and making loads of new kinds of media,
> which isn't easy.
> The job description even tries to lay claim to your free time. What kind
> of beast do you have to be to have so much saved money to subsist for 2
> months plus, devoting work and free time to something that might not
> even lead to a job?
> It makes me really sad to see this kind of ability so devalued, even
> with the dangling carrot of proper employment in a big media company, as
> much as I like al-jazeera.
> I wish they could hire people properly, with a contract allowing for a
> trial period - which I also think is surely standard in some places, or
> at least give food, transport or accomodation...
> Ale
> On 18/08/11 18:26, Ben Connors wrote:
>> Hello Lib Tech,
>> I thought you all might be able to help me find an intern.
>> Please feel free to forward this email to relevant parties.
>> Very much appreciated,
>> Ben Connors
>> @bcatdc
>> 202.213.0674
>> The Stream | Creative Strategist
>> http://facebook.com/benjconnors
>> ********************************************
>> I'm looking for an intern for a show I helped launch. The show is 
>> 'The Stream.' It's a daily talk-show on Al Jazeera English. The show is
>> truly groundbreaking in it's adoption of social-media. We don't 
>> describe ourselves as TV but as a Social Network that happens to have a
>> daily show.
>> The position is for someone interested in the "technical" side of
>> things. The intern's duties would include creating motion graphics,
>> managing the network of on-set computers, editing interviews and
>> uploading content to our various social platforms.
>> The show's team is small, young and cohesive. It relies heavily on the
>> help and participation of the interns and they are given a large degree
>> of responsibility. Our show strives to be VERY inventive, I think of
>> myself as the R&D department of the show, and the technical intern will
>> be encouraged to spend any free time helping to invent new modes of
>> televisual communication.
>> That could be creating motion graphics (I'm trying to pioneer the use 
>> CSS3 and webkit for live tv), web applications, automating daily tasks?
>> Etc. Everyone is encouraged to participate in show's editorial process,
>> and while this internship is not an editorial one, the intern will be
>> encouraged to pitch stories and to attend all editorial meetings.
>> The internship is at the Newseum in downtown Washington DC. The ideal
>> intern would be available from 9-5, Monday-Thursday. Al Jazeera offers 
>> $100 weekly stipend to all interns. The internship requires a minimum 2
>> month commitment and is available immediately (?or as soon as we can
>> find an empty chair).
>> Here is a link to a great description of the show?

>> ?here is a link to our website itself?
>> http://stream.aljazeera.com <http://stream.aljazeera.com/>
>> ?and of course we're on
>> http://Www.facebook.com/ajstream
>> And
>> http://twitter.com/ajstream
>> Applicants are encouraged to get in touch and to provide a resume and
>> statement of interest.
>> Thanks for your time,
>> Ben Connors
>> @bcatdc
>> 202.213.0674
>> The Stream | Creative Strategist
>> http://facebook.com/benjconnors
>> Notice: This email is intended only for the use of the individual or
>> entity named above and may contain information that is confidential and
>> privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby
>> notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email
>> is strictly prohibited. Opinions, conclusions and other information in
>> this message that do not relate to the official business of our firm
>> shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.
>> _______________________________________________
>> liberationtech mailing list
>> liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
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moderator in monthly reminders.
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> liberationtech mailing list
> liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
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