[liberationtech] FrontlineSMS Data Integrity Guide

Ken Banks ken.banks at kiwanja.net
Wed Aug 10 12:06:12 PDT 2011

Yesterday in Washington DC we released the "FrontlineSMS User Guide on Data Integrity", a document which may be of interest to some on the list. Although it focuses on issues of data integrity for those deploying the FrontlineSMS platform, there are wider lessons and experiences which can be drawn.

From the Executive Summary:

"The purpose of this guide is to provide FrontlineSMS users designing, implementing, and monitoring programs with data integrity concerns in mind with a data integrity framework. The guide is intended to help users to understand, analyze, and address the vulnerabilities, risks and threats that can affect the integrity of the information communicated through the FrontlineSMS platform.

Users and potential users have different needs for protecting sensitive information. The goal of this guide is to outline the actions that can be taken to mitigate the risks posed by information being lost, changed or read by unauthorized third parties. However, it is important to recognize that FrontlineSMS may not be an appropriate tool to use in some environments where data integrity needs go beyond the capabilities of the platform and SMS itself, and that incautious use may put the organization, program and users at risk.

FrontlineSMS does not define the exact details of how users should deploy the software or address issues of data integrity. Users should evaluate their individual program goals, standards, and operating context to decide on the steps that should be taken to protect the integrity of their information"

A PDF of the Guide is available via a Blog post on the FrontlineSMS website at http://www.frontlinesms.com/2011/08/09/m4data-frontlinesms-launches-data-integrity-user-guide/

Many thanks.

Ken Banks
Founder, kiwanja.net and FrontlineSMS
Tech Awards Laureate 2009
National Geographic Emerging Explorer 2010

"Where technology meets anthropology, conservation and development"

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kiwanja

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