[liberationtech] thoughts about Telex?

Bernal,PA (pgr) P.A.Bernal at lse.ac.uk
Sun Aug 7 15:00:28 PDT 2011

Just as a matter of interest, I wrote a piece about the corporate angle on surveillance for the latest edition of Index on Censorship. It's not directly on topic, though part of the reason I wrote it was that it seems to me that human rights activists focus too much on government action and ignore what corporations are doing, and the interaction between the two. Sadly it's not available online yet, though the issue can be found here:


Paul Bernal

On 7 Aug 2011, at 17:50, " Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا " <fredericknoronha at gmail.com> wrote:

> One of these days (if it hasn't already), our entire debate about ICT4D, liberation technology and what not is going to be neatly incorporated in the agenda of powerful States, corporate players and "development" organisations pushing their own agendas in a post-Cold War world.
> State censorship is bad, but what about corporate censorship?  Why do we voice outrage only/mainly against blatant clampdowns in communication rights in Third World countries, but not the sophisticated global means that Empire uses to effectively control what we say and how we say it, without us as much as even being aware. 
> Thanks for raising these issues Katy and Dod.
> Frederick Noronha
> Co-founder
> BytesForAll
> South Asia
> On 8 August 2011 01:17, Katy Pearce ucsb <kpearce at umail.ucsb.edu> wrote:
> The confusingly named Telex...
> http://www.metafilter.com/106289/Telex
> Telex is an interesting proxy-less anti-censorship system designed to combat state-level censorship (pdf).  But would it cost too much? Should we really trust "good" state-level actors with our anti-censorship efforts? And might it divert resources from established anonymity projects, like Tor, I2I, Freenet, etc.
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