[liberationtech] Fwd: Re: Please welcome Cuba bloggers..
Sheila Parks
sheilaruthparks at comcast.net
Sun Apr 17 16:21:45 PDT 2011
I forgot to do a reply all the first time
>Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 19:17:02 -0400
>To: S E Anderson <blackeducator at mac.com>
>From: Sheila Parks <sheilaruthparks at comcast.net>
>Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Please welcome Cuba bloggers...
>Dear Sam
>thank you so much for this post
>I totally agree
>To add another point, there are more African Americans now in prison
>in the USA, than there were Africans in prison in South Africa
>during ALL of apartheid
>The above sentence and the following is from a paper I hope in its
>final version and soon to be published, and I will post link here,
>so please, do not distribute this, forward or repost
>"(See Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow. Mass Incarceration in
>the Age of Colorblindness. The New Press, New York and London,
>2010.) Ask any of the African American prisoners, languishing in
>our prisons - mostly on non-violent drug charges - how democracy
>works for them. Our prisons are now increasingly privatized, and
>Dick Cheney one of those making so much money on them. Have you
>read yet Charles Ogletree, The Presumption of Guilt: The Arrest of
>Henry Louis Gates, Jr.Race, Class, and Crime in America. Palgrave
>MacMillan, 2010.)? Ogletree includes stories of 100 African American
>men and shows how "race trumps class."
>I hope I will now get back to answering those posts re e-voting
>machines that I did not answer- - actually, as I write that, I will
>wait to send link to my paper and think it will answer most of those questions
>At 06:50 PM 4/17/2011, you wrote:
>>This word "repressive" gets bandied about in such away that it
>>automatically excludes one of the world's most "repressive" societies: the US.
>>There are more folk imprisoned in the US per capita than anywhere
>>else on the planet. Black & Latino youth of any gender are
>>systematically under educated, arrested and rendered jobless by
>>policies and laws sanctioned by the US federal, state and local governments.
>>The US media is dominated by an oligarchy that continues to gobble
>>up radio, TV, cyberspace and all forms of print media successfully
>>silencing millions of creative and oppositional voices.
>>Need I mention the "repressive" healthcare-insurance industry that
>>has defined good healthcare as a privilege for the rich?
>>Need I mention the "repressive" environmental policies that let big
>>corporations pollute at will while severely arresting and
>>repressing the entire environmental justice movement?
>>Need I mention the fact that this nation- the US -creates, then
>>harbors some of the world's most notorious terrorists like Luis Posada?
>>I can go on such as with the fact of some 125+ Black, Latino and
>>Native American political prisoners languishing in maximum security
>>prisons with longer prison sentences than any member of the Mafia
>>ever had! Or that the Death Penalty is used consciously
>>disproportionately against Black and Latino men than against white
>>men... and that many on Death Row are and have been proven innocent.
>>But... suffice it is to say that the "repressive" society of Cuba
>>has a birthrate better than the vast majority of the world
>>including Black America and Latinos. That this "repressive" society
>>has a higher literacy and education rate than workingclass US. That
>>this "repressive" society has more doctors per capita than the US
>>AND trains more doctors for free than the total number of doctors
>>graduating inside the US with an average of $150,000 debt! And over
>>the past 50 years, Cuba has struggled rather successfully to begin
>>the process of undoing Machismo and racism while the US has
>>repressed a national discussion of Race and Gender issues so as to
>>chart a more egalitarian human rights-based path forward.
>>Please, before you apply this term "repressive" out to a nation
>>like Cuba, at least study the society beyond what you may read in
>>the NY Times or News week or see on CNN or ABC TV.
>>Of course, Cuba has serious problems. What nation in the world of a
>>global crisis of capital does not? The West's propaganda machinery
>>wants you to see nothing but grinding repression unfolding in Cuba
>>so that you don't see the achievements of this underdeveloped
>>former US colony.
>>No. Those achievements may inspire you to take another path than capitalism.
>>In Struggle,
>>Sam Anderson
>>On Apr 17, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Larry Diamond wrote:
>>>I share you concern, but it is not clear what we can do about it,
>>>for the reasons Yosem explains. I think there has been some
>>>sensitivity, from time to time, about the need to take certain
>>>discussions "offline" from the general listerve. Any time someone
>>>posts something that is specifically intimidating or
>>>inappropriate, we can intervene and not allow it to go
>>>forward. But I don't know how to deal with the problem of
>>>penetration by intelligence agencies except with more
>>>transparency, including about the actions of these agencies.
>>>If you have any specific suggestions of people we can invite to
>>>the listserve or encourage to become vocal, please do let us know.
>>>Larry Diamond
>>>Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution & Freeman Spogli Institute
>>>Director, Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law
>>>Peter E. Haas Faculty Co-Director, Haas Center for Public Service
>>>Stanford University
>>>Stanford, CA 94305-6055
>>>tel 650-724-6448 fax 650-723-1928
>>><mailto:ldiamond at stanford.edu>ldiamond at stanford.edu,
>>><http://cddrl.stanford.edu/>http://cddrl.stanford.edu/ and
>>>From: "Yosem Companys" <<mailto:companys at stanford.edu>companys at stanford.edu>
>>>To: "Robert Guerra" <<mailto:lists at privaterra.org>lists at privaterra.org>
>>>Cc: "Liberation Technologies"
>>><<mailto:liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
>>>Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2011 4:29:36 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Please welcome Cuba bloggers...
>>>Hi Robert,
>>>I appreciate your concern, but here are a few things to keep in mind:
>>>1) Liberationtech is a public list, so anyone can join. To the
>>>extent that agents of repressive regimes are interested in
>>>"infiltrating" the list, they can already do so.
>>>2) Members may always choose to forward list emails to others. We
>>>can't control that.
>>>3) Even if the list were private, the Majordomo mailman technology
>>>isn't secure (see
>>>Thus, as is the case in most places online, we cannot provide
>>>security assurances to list members.
>>>We already tell activists who choose to join the list to take the
>>>necessary precautions they take elsewhere. In fact, we even
>>>encourage them to use anonymous (or fake) email addresses, if they
>>>feel more comfortable doing so.
>>>On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Robert Guerra
>>><<mailto:lists at privaterra.org>lists at privaterra.org> wrote:
>>>I would ask that the list take into consideration research by
>>>OpenNet, The Information Warfare Project, and Freedom House that
>>>indicates that in many non-democratic regimes bloggers are paid to
>>>represent and promote a pro-govt agenda and view.
>>>I would recommend that a variety of voices - both from inside and
>>>outside the repressive countries be sought and invited to this
>>>list. Otherwise, we'll have people on here who are well known govt
>>>agents who might have threatened, intimidated and lead people to
>>>have been arrested or worse.
>>>Having open discussion about "liberation technologies" with those
>>>who support repression, well, will make it unsafe for many ...
>>>Something to keep in mind.
>>>On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 9:05 PM, Yosem Companys
>>><<mailto:companys at stanford.edu>companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
>>>Hi All,
>>>Some Cuba bloggers have joined our mailing list. Please welcome
>>>them. Here's a post they want to share with you:
>>>liberationtech mailing list
>>><mailto:liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
>>>Should you need to change your subscription options, please go to:
>>>If you would like to receive a daily digest, click "yes" (once you
>>>click above) next to "would you like to receive list mail batched
>>>in a daily digest?"
>>>You will need the user name and password you receive from the list
>>>moderator in monthly reminders.
>>>Should you need immediate assistance, please contact the list moderator.
>>>Please don't forget to follow us on
>>>liberationtech mailing list
>>><mailto:liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
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>>>If you would like to receive a daily digest, click "yes" (once you
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>>>in a daily digest?"
>>>You will need the user name and password you receive from the list
>>>moderator in monthly reminders.
>>>Should you need immediate assistance, please contact the list moderator.
>>>Please don't forget to follow us on
>>>liberationtech mailing list
>>><mailto:liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
>>>Should you need to change your subscription options, please go to:
>>>If you would like to receive a daily digest, click "yes" (once you
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>>>in a daily digest?"
>>>You will need the user name and password you receive from the list
>>>moderator in monthly reminders.
>>>Should you need immediate assistance, please contact the list moderator.
>>>Please don't forget to follow us on
>>liberationtech mailing list
>>liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
>>Should you need to change your subscription options, please go to:
>>If you would like to receive a daily digest, click "yes" (once you
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>>You will need the user name and password you receive from the list
>>moderator in monthly reminders.
>>Should you need immediate assistance, please contact the list moderator.
>>Please don't forget to follow us on http://twitter.com/#!/Liberationtech
>Sheila Parks, Ed.D.
>Center for Hand-Counted Paper Ballots
>Belmont, MA 02478
>sheila at handcountedpaperballots.org
Sheila Parks, Ed.D.
Center for Hand-Counted Paper Ballots
Belmont, MA 02478
sheila at handcountedpaperballots.org
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