[liberationtech] email privacy was: Re: Please welcome Cuba bloggers...

Shava Nerad shava23 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 16:14:20 PDT 2011

Just a reminder to folks -- the best efforts of the most careful
practicioners of online privacy gae aft awry.  But email, unencrypted, and
over open channels, may as well be posted on a public forum.  You really
shouldn't post anything here you don't want quoted elsewhere or used in a
court of law.

I actually have a lot more faith in academic networks like Stanford, for
example, not to just give up information without a subpoena or warrant
because someone asks nicely.  But anything from a friendly inquiry, to a
national security letter, to a clever hacker taking advantage of academic
networks' often sandboxy approach to convenience as a tradeoff to security
-- any of these could get your information into hands you don't like.

Not to mention the possible keylogger or other malware on your computer, or
using open coffeehouse wireless, or...


Live an open life, and be brave, and speak with integrity -- that's my
attempted solution! :)

Shava Nerad
shava23 at gmail.com
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