[liberationtech] Jantar Mantar Vs Tahrir Square

Amit Agrahari amit at iiml.ac.in
Thu Apr 14 04:38:25 PDT 2011

Good question Prashant,

First ... Don't you think it is too early to conclude. Anna's struggle was
to bring a powerful constitutional anti corruption institute, which might
be realised only through dialogue. Experience with Right to Information
Act tells us that constitutional institutes may work as well.

Second... Why do you think India needs "Tahrir Square"... we live in a
democracy and bring changes using ballots.

Third ... Change in regime might be over hyped ... You may refer to
various revolutions in human history to understand this point... That
brings us to a much crucial question... As far as corruption in India is
concerned, whom are we fighting against ?

When I think about it ... I guess we are fighting against our own social
norms and practices ... Some thing that Gandhi realised around 100 years
back. He wasn't much keen on political freedom alone, for he knew that
without freedom from social prejudices, norm etc (that were responsible
for India's subjugation) India could not retain its freedom.

So, Gandhian literature might help you find some answers. This is my
humble opinion.

Prof Amit Agrahari
Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow

PS: I work for a Govt of India funded Institute

> Hi Friends
> *First Off My apologies in advance if this email is off topic for the
> . *
>  I am Prashant . A software guy  from India.  I am a silent member of
> group but i do read most of  the discussions over here . As most of you
already know that sometime back we had a series of protest against rampant
> corruption in India . these protest and hunger strike were lead by
> Hazzare .He was fasting at  Jantar Mantar ( a building near parliament
> I
> do respect him for his courage , intent and conviction . but in spite of
> that i must say that we didn't really managed to have our "Tahrir
> moment. whole thing eventually fizzled out and many amongst us believe
> this won't bring any substantial change in the way things are done .
Establishment has succeed in gaming the whole dynamics and  trick us in
> to
> believing that we have won. but I know thats not the case . Though I was
> involved in protest first hand  ( call me slacktivist ) but still  I am
> .
> I want to understand from you guys what were the structural variable
> were missing because of which Jantar Mantar coubn't turn in to a Tahrir
Square . how can someone ensure that unrest once started reaches a critical
> mass and attain some tangible outcome . what I as a technology guy and
> friends in Independent Media ( bloggers . Twitter )   can contribute to
ensure that this doesen't happen again .
> thanks
> --
> Prashant Singh
> Product Manager, Spice Labs.
> Blog : http://blog.spicelabs.in
> "If someone's using a PC to demo the Next Big Thing... then it's not the
next big thing."~Russell Beattie

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