[liberationtech] I LOVE technology, but WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI

Peter Lindener lindener.peter at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 13:46:55 PDT 2011

Sheila -

   I think Dave is spot on,   Digital systems tend to further extend the
what one is already doing in some sense...so if the system is broken putting
its Information Process into a Computer would leave it that way......   I do
think this is a mater of clear cut, orderly administration.... the Advantage
with using a computer to do it, is that once one manages to fully secure the
systems....it ends to stay that way......   I.e one does not need to worry
that next time it will somehow be different......  Once programmed into the
systems It is very cheap to do full very though auditing, that one needs to
only program once.......


On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Sheila Parks <sheilaruthparks at comcast.net>wrote:

> I have just come in and merely glanced at all emails, except this last one,
> that I am reading now. I will read the others later
> Assuming you have seen and are following what is going on in WI about the
> Supreme Court election and its RIGGING,
> To call it an "administrative issue" is simply just plain wrong, not only
> in WI now, but everywhere
> Furthermore, to make such a statement without offering what you mean by it
> is an insult to all of us or should we just take your word for it?
> Had the election been a secure (meaning ballot custody before during and
> after) hand-counted ballots one in all jurisdictions, this could not have
> been happening
> I am interested in what those of you who like e-voting machines and/or see
> no danger in them think about what is going on in WI now with the election I
> mentioned above
> You are aware, I trust that they "ran out of ballots" and many voters had
> to vote on DRE's, with no paper trail,
> Sheila
> At 02:13 PM 4/8/2011, David Jandura wrote:
>> While we should make every effort to measure the impact of introducing new
>> technology into any process, I think there is a tendency to overstate its
>> effect in any direction.  Technology is a tool, not an independent actor.
>>  In most situations, technology amplifies intent; both deficiencies and
>> capabilities will become more apparent. Election fraud is fundamentally an
>> administrative issue.
>> David
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