[liberationtech] Fwd: Re: Egyptian government to introduce e-voting system

Sheila Parks sheilaruthparks at comcast.net
Thu Apr 7 04:21:53 PDT 2011

I sent this only to Pranesh last night, but forwarding here now to whole group

He had sent only to me, so I responded only to him, but decided now 
want to send to whole group

And then I will answer his other email, which has already been so 
nicely responded to by Marco Fioretti


>Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 22:50:18 -0400
>To: Pranesh Prakash <pranesh at cis-india.org>
>From: Sheila Parks <sheilaruthparks at comcast.net>
>Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Egyptian government to introduce 
>e-voting  system
>I have been out all night, too tired now to read your first email, 
>which I just skimmed
>DRE's EVM's are so riggable, that I can easily say here, no matter 
>how tired I am, in the US, they have been rigged so that someone 
>pushes a button for Kerry and it records Bush
>Many have no paper trail, and those that do are often called toilet 
>paper rolls
>And they have never been counted and never will be
>And it has to be done right on election night, not a recount
>And without a paper trail, there can never be a recount
>How could these be of any use
>And At 08:08 PM 4/6/2011, Pranesh Prakash wrote:
>>On Thursday 07 April 2011 04:35 AM, Sheila Parks wrote:
>>>I am eager to hear what you say, after you read what is being done
>>Sheila, I speak not out of ignorance but out of a difference of 
>>opinion.  I am not someone who love technology for the sake of 
>>technology, but believe that a) not all EVM (what you call DRE) 
>>systems are equal; b) that the Indian EVM are better suited here 
>>than paper ballots.  Given that view, I do believe that the Indian 
>>EVMs can be improved still.  But just because we can make them more 
>>secure doesn't mean we should shift to paper ballots instead (which 
>>I consider even less secure).
>>- Pranesh
>>Pranesh Prakash
>>Programme Manager
>>Centre for Internet and Society
>>W: http://cis-india.org | T: +91 80 40926283
>Sheila Parks, Ed.D.
>Center for Hand-Counted Paper Ballots
>Belmont, MA 02478
>sheila at handcountedpaperballots.org

Sheila Parks, Ed.D.
Center for Hand-Counted Paper Ballots
Belmont, MA 02478
sheila at handcountedpaperballots.org

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