[liberationtech] Internet Circumvention Tools and Methods: Evaluation and Review

Robert Guerra lists at privaterra.org
Tue Apr 5 10:53:14 PDT 2011


Freedom House

invites you to the official launch of

Internet Circumvention Tools and Methods: A Comprehensive Review

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

12:00pm- 2:00pm

Freedom House

1301 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 400

Washington, DC, 20036

Lunch will be provided

As the recent shift in political landscape within the Middle East has
shown, the Internet is increasingly influencing the way that citizens
around the world gather and distribute information. While these
changes occur, it is vital that people are aware of how to protect
themselves online and how to access information, news, and facts, when
the Internet is censored.

While there are sites that recognize the effectiveness of
circumvention tools, there are none that assess the effectiveness of
circumvention tools systematically. Freedom House has used its
expertise and relationships with leading academic experts on
information technology security, censorship, and software development
to conduct a systematic assessment of how censorship circumvention
tools perform in practice inside the countries they are designed to

Freedom House’s Internet Freedom Project Director, Robert Guerra, will
join major report contributors Cormac Callanan, director of
Ireland-based Aconite Internet Solutions with experience in
international computer networks and cybercrime, and Hein
Dries-Ziekenheimer, the CEO of VIGILO consult, a Netherlands based
consultancy specializing in Internet enforcement, cybercrime, and IT
law, to discuss the findings of the report and its implications in the
world of Internet privacy and censorship circumvention.

The event will be broadcast live over the Internet.  A link to the
broadcast will be sent out prior to the beginning of the event.

If you are interested in attending the event (in person and/or
virtually), please RSVP - Details here : http://goo.gl/mnGmC

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