[liberationtech] Fwd: Gary Chapman International School on Digital Transformation

Douglas Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Fri Apr 1 21:16:36 PDT 2011

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Karen Gustafson <kegustafson at gmail.com>
> Date: March 31, 2011 2:47:45 PM PDT
> To: Karen Gustafson <kegustafson at gmail.com>
> Subject: Gary Chapman International School on Digital Transformation
> Dear all,
> We are very pleased to announce that the application period for the  
> Gary Chapman International School on Digital Transformation is now  
> open! Please see www.digitaltransformationschool.org for program  
> details and application instructions. Also, we would appreciate your  
> help in spreading the word--please forward this announcement as you  
> feel is appropriate. The deadline for applications is April 30.
> Best,
> Karen
> The Gary Chapman International School on Digital Transformation
> July 17-22, 2011
> Porto, Portugal
> Application deadline: April 30
> The UT Austin Portugal program is now accepting applications for the  
> third annual International School on Digital Transformation, to be  
> held July 17-22 in Porto, Portugal. Advanced students and emerging  
> professionals, social entrepreneurs, and activists from around the  
> world with an interest in digital technology and the enrichment of  
> civil society are invited to apply.
> For the past two years, this intensive residential program has  
> brought together scholars, policy experts, community advocates,  
> designers, and hackers to explore the potential for digital media to  
> empower citizens, strengthen communities, and contribute to a more  
> vibrant civil society. The School is named for Gary Chapman, an  
> internationally renowned Internet policy expert and member of the  
> faculty at the LBJ School for Public Policy at UT Austin who founded  
> this innovative program and passed away suddenly last year. His life  
> continues to inspire the School.
> The School is conducted in English and in previous years has  
> attracted faculty and participants from Portugal, South Africa,  
> Finland, India, the U.K., the U.S., and Brazil, among many other  
> countries. During the week, innovators in digital communications  
> serve as teachers and mentors, presenting current projects and  
> engaging in discussion. Faculty and students will be regarded as  
> peers during the School.
> Participants of the School will have the opportunity to present and  
> discuss their own projects with those having similar interests, and  
> explore ways to further develop their work. Additionally, members  
> will collaborate on group projects involving digital media and civil  
> society. Consisting of approximately 40 participants and 15 faculty,  
> the School seeks to create an atmosphere of scholarly collegiality,  
> fostering dialogue among diverse perspectives including those of  
> design, policy, activist, and research backgrounds. The daily  
> schedule will include time for presentations, bar camp style  
> meetings, and informal conversations among faculty and students.
> The School’s program for 2011 will focus on these themes:
> •    Information access and open civic discourse
> •    Digital tools for government transparency
> •    Evolving Internet content regulation and the public’s right to  
> information
> •    Digital media and the democratic process
> •    Factors influencing the growth of online civic engagement
> The School will be held at the Hotel Eurostars Das Artes, a four- 
> star hotel near the heart of Porto’s historic district, an area  
> renowned for its active arts culture, wine, architecture, and  
> breathtaking views. A link to the hotel site is below.
> Participant fees are:
> •    370 Euros with accommodation at the Hotel Eurostars das Artes,  
> breakfast included
> •    170 Euros for UT-Austin-Portugal PhD Program students (extra  
> fee for accommodation at the Hotel Eurostars das Artes)
> The cost of the School includes daily breakfast from Monday through  
> Saturday, a nightly dinner at a local restaurant attended by all  
> faculty and students, the daily program, and an evening cultural  
> activity. Participants are expected to be present at all dinners and  
> activities during the week. Travel to Porto is not supported;  
> students must arrange and pay for their own travel.
> The Gary Chapman International School on Digital Transformation is  
> organized by the UT Austin-Portugal program, a cooperative endeavor  
> between the University of Texas at Austin and some of the top  
> universities of Portugal. The co-directors of the School are Dr.  
> Sharon Strover of the University of Texas at Austin and Dr. Artur  
> Pimenta Alves of the University of Porto.
> For more information about the School, its faculty, and to apply,  
> please visit
> www.digitaltransformationschool.org
> More details on the program will be added and updated as they are  
> confirmed.
> The Eurostars Das Artes is a deluxe hotel located near many shops,  
> restaurants, and art galleries and about a 20-minute walk to the  
> Praça da Ribeira, at the shores of the Douro River. More information  
> may be found at http://www.eurostarshotels.com/EN/hotels-oporto.html
> For more information on the broader program, please see
> http://utaustinportugal.org/
> There is limited space and the final deadline for applications is  
> April 30.  For questions regarding the program or call for  
> applications, please contact Karen Gustafson at kegustafson at gmail.com.
> -- 
> Karen Gustafson, Ph.D.
> Research Associate, Telecommunications and Information Policy  
> Institute
> Program Manager for Digital Media, UT Austin|Portugal Program
> The University of Texas at Austin

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

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