[liberationtech] partner wtih us

partnerships at CHANGE partnerships at ngochange.org
Fri Apr 1 18:57:20 PDT 2011

Dear Liberation tech participants,

We're a startup non-profit named CHANGE, based currently in South canara, India, on the lookout for potential collaborators for a project titled 'FINGO:Vaccination coverage estimation and outreach using geo-location and biometrics'. The project aims at bringing together low-cost mobile data communications, geo-location services and child identification methods (such as ID cards, cues and biometrics) in order to more precisely estimate vaccination coverage, to provide follow up services for individual children, and to systematically identify large gaps in coverage and factors determining vaccination success/failure at the sub-district level. We've attached a PDF that describes the background, goals and justification in brief. We'd be happy to hear from researchers all around the world interested in studying the problem in its ethnographic, ethical and legal dimensions. Please write to us with any queries you may have, including issues that you'd like to weigh in on or debate before you decide to collaborate.

hope to hear soon,

partnerships at CHANGE
C - Center for
H - Health
A - Awareness, along with
N - Novel approaches to
G - Growth
E - Empowerment
adithya at ngochange.org
Ph: 9980949281

"Shree Haripriya", 1st floor,
1-31-H7 Seshadri Road
Eswar Nagar (Behind Bhavani bus stop),
Manipal 576104, Karnataka.

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