[liberationtech] NYT report on Obama admin's wiretap plans

Thomas Smyth thomas.smyth at gatech.edu
Mon Sep 27 14:31:39 PDT 2010

> Skype cannot easily patch their network. They do not own every computer
> in the network - they even have hardware devices that cannot be (easily
> or ever) upgraded such as telephone units, firmware for motherboards, etc.
Hmm, you mean the motherboards on client computers?  For example, person X
has a motherboard with an exploitable on-board network card that lets an
attacker, say, snoop packets before they're encrypted or something?  (Just
thinking aloud here.)  So then the security of Skype relies on not just
Skype client software, but all these other bits as well?

That makes sense but again then we're back to this reducing to cracking any
point-to-point encrypted communication.  So the argument becomes that no
digital communication is truly secure, no?  But then Skype is not a special
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