[liberationtech] NYT report on Obama admin's wiretap plans

Alec Muffett alec.muffett at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 13:09:23 PDT 2010

> Imagine a Skype client that explicitly checks
> whether a user has an outstanding wiretap order and, if so, sends a copy
> of the conversation to an LEA server somewhere


I was listening to recordings of this year's DEFCON, and heard a comment which - if I heard it correctly - suggested that Skype is today known to the community to nowadays be subject to interception.

By "Skype" I mean standard, vanilla Skype as opposed to Chinese TOM-Skype or any other Skype software modified pre- or post-install by a third party, eg: the BKA.

I mentally related this comment to a conversation that I had several years ago, with an interested party, regarding requirements for Skype to deploy a lawful-interception mechanism for agencies that wanted such; and not just via MITM on a national firewall but a proper, supported, court-order-required mechanism for nations that desired it.

My presumption from the DEFCON comment was that this requirement was now both fulfilled and known to the community at large.

Would this presumption fit the current public understanding of Skype security?

	- a

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