[liberationtech] pgp message encryption and decrypion using just a browser

David Dahl david at ddahl.com
Mon Sep 27 06:47:29 PDT 2010

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 1:45 AM, Frank Corrigan
<email at franciscorrigan.com> wrote:

> I am looking for online pgp decryption resources that are as straight
> forward as the hanewin encryption facility, as a backup, to when it is
> not possible to access GPG software or install such without Admin
> rights.
Indeed, this is a drawback. Eventually, the crypto bits will no doubt
be added to the browser's window object itself.

I have written it so that the extension only wraps the native speed
encryption API, and while you have to use a tiny extension (80k), it
is calling into C++ native code that is very fast.

 The "WebAPI" bits (
) are independent from the UI bits (

> David, Concerning https://droplettr.com/ this is something I am unable
> to evaluate and it does not appear to meet the criteria of being able to
> use fully offline and is not based upon one main page that can be
> downloaded as a full web page, with all it's accompanying Javascript
> dependencies. I have not mentioned it explicitly but I am looking for
> resources based upon open-source.

It is open source, all of the client and server code is here:
https://bitbucket.org/daviddahl/droplettr - anyone can and should run
their own server. It is in a state of flux right now as I need to get
it ready for Firefox 4.

Additionally, it is heavily jQuery-based, making it easy for web
developers to hack on. The concept is an experiment in adding an
encryption API to the DOM: window.droplettr.encryptMessage(aSubject,
aContent, aPubKey), window.droplettr.decryptMessage(aMessage, aPubKey,

I will be running a server once all of this is deploy-able, but I am
not interested in being a high-volume service provider.



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