[liberationtech] Fw: [progressiveexchange] Facebook interfering with activism Pages

Jim Youll jyoull at alum.mit.edu
Tue Sep 21 09:50:10 PDT 2010

I think it's not "corporate structure" at issue. I think we would do well to stay away from attacks on the "nature of corporations" and so on. These arguments tend to paint with a very broad brush. Truth is, every business is different, run by different people, afraid of different things. Corporations can be very predictable, yes, but individually predictable, not as a class.

Also, the corpo-bash thing tends to not be listened to because it's been so over-used.

It's not corporations we are against, it's censorship.

Top-down administrative control has historically been the most efficient (least code, fewest never-before-solved issues) way of dealing with what most would agree /are/ flagrant abuses of a communication space.. what do you do about a "Yosem Companys is a serial axe murderer" page, trademark infringement (let's say true infringement), or other instances of difficult, illegal or threatening material? Facebook owns the database and can just "fix" it. 

I worked on a draft and demo project a few years ago in which we modeled a self-moderation public forum in which the system (not a person, but code) was responsive to the collective actions of the users in accepting/rejecting topics for discussion, discussion content, and users themselves.. but then you can get into a "tyranny of the majority" situation, so we also had a way for the least popular views to be seen or at least found... turtles all the way down...

On Sep 21, 2010, at 9:26 AM, Yosem Companys wrote:

> This is why we need peer to peer solutions like Diaspora to provide a platform for activists.  Otherwise the corporate structure of these tech firms can always interfere in one way or another to direct activity.
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Jillian C. York <jilliancyork at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi - Jillian York here (have been lurking for a couple of weeks).  I was interviewed for that article and would like to add this just-released paper I wrote on the same subject: http://bit.ly/8ZN8PH
> The paper ("Policing Content in the Quasi-Public Sphere") looks at the content regulation policies of 5 social media platforms--Twitter, Flickr, Blogger, Facebook, and YouTube.  I won't give away the ending ;)
> -Jillian
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Katrin Verclas <katrinverclas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thoughts, colleagues!
> ------Original Message------
> From: Colin Delany
> Sender: Progressive Exchange
> To: Progressive Exchange
> ReplyTo: Colin Delany
> Subject: [progressiveexchange] Facebook interfering with activism Pages
> Sent: Sep 20, 2010 3:34 PM
> Activists upset with Facebook
> http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42364.html
> Claims they've violated terms of service.  Discuss.
> --cpd
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> Berkman Center for Internet and Society | https://cyber.law.harvard.edu/people/jyork
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