[liberationtech] The future of the logs and data from the central machines of the Haystack network?

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at appelbaum.net
Wed Sep 15 18:23:10 PDT 2010

On 09/15/2010 04:19 AM, Matt D. Harris wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 09:47:48 +0100, Alec Muffett
> <alec.muffett at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If whomever _is_ tasked with wiping these machines gets to read this,
>> I'd suggest using DBAN:
>> 	http://www.dban.org/
>> ...rather than any commercial product and/or the estimable GNU-shred;
>> commercial products aren't worth the hassle, and GNU-shred has too
>> many options with which to fiddle.
> As an aside, what version of this do you recommend?  I noticed that the
> download page on the site only lists a beta version, and doesn't talk
> about the other available versions in detail, nor identify any of them
> specifically as the stable/release version.  I'd be interested in trying
> it some time to see how well it works, as I've generally stuck to
> deleting sensitive files using my own home-brew tools with FS-specific
> optimizations (as I use a handful of different FS' on a regular basis.) 

If you're erasing data and you care about the File System, you're
operating with a totally different threat model than dbab.

The goal of dban is to trash the raw data on the devices and leave no
stone unturned. It doesn't really even attempt to be smart, it is simply
blunt and repetitive.

It was great stuff when I last looked.

All the best,

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