[liberationtech] The future of the logs and data from the central machines of the Haystack network?

Alec Muffett alec.muffett at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 22:13:25 PDT 2010


I'm a olden-times security researcher, and in all the recent brouhaha I failed to ask a question which instead just got sent to me by my peer Adam Shostack; I'm not entirely sure where to route it, now, hence this message...

The logfiles and other metadata of the central machines of the Haystack network, represent a modest oil-spill of information that would be of interest to certain parties.

Has anyone yet mentioned what's happening to that data?  Those machines?  Is it too soon to say?

I apologise if you've covered this topic before - I am just starting to attack the archives - but has this list established "best-practices" in this regard?



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