[liberationtech] List of Online Risk/Security Resources (was Re: Resignation)
Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org
Tue Sep 14 15:14:04 PDT 2010
Thanks, Joshua - really great to hear that there is a question
mark :) Totally agree on bullshit detection - good call.
To shit the convo slightly and add/contribute something useful and ask
your advice, see below.
Here is a list of guides and resources we compiled on online
"security"/risk, many from respected sources: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AnlHznBQjUbudGl5azZaQzMyWXVBcEN4QVdsb2tta2c&hl=en&authkey=CIjHsagM
What are we missing? Other pros/cons to note? Anyone vetted these
from a tech perspective? (we have not - just compiled them as a quick
On Sep 14, 2010, at 1:17 PM, Joshua Cohen wrote:
> I am one of the directors of the Program on Liberation Technologies,
> and (now just speaking for myself) wanted to say a word on this
> (partly echoing themes from Katrin, Daniel, Jake, Evgeny, Jim Youll,
> and Jane Fountain, among others):
> 1. For me, a basic purpose of the Program is to host conversations
> exactly like the one we have just been having about Haystack. That
> means that I understand the purpose of the Program as if the name
> had a question mark:
> For me, the name is: Liberation Technologies?
> In short, we have a question, not an answer. [Thus share the Katrin/
> Evgeny concern about myths and rhetoric.]
> 2. I think bullshit detection — aka the discipline of evidence and
> argument, aka reason — in discussions about IT solutions to
> important social/political problems has been VERY low (comparable to
> the minimal levels of bullshit detection in discussions about
> development assistance, before the Poverty Action Lab). It has been
> low because lots of people are not in the habit of asking the basic
> questions:
> (a) how do I know? and (even more importantly)
> (b) how would I know if I was wrong?
> Moreover, people who do ask those questions are often treated (as
> Jim says) as hurdles to getting things done in a world filled with
> incredibly urgent problems in which everything needs to have been
> done yesterday: treated as hurdles, or as irritating skeptics, or as
> annoyingly impractical academics, not as key players in making
> things work.
> 3. Of course, when people ask hard questions, you end up with lots
> of uncertainty. And if you can't act with clear purpose while openly
> acknowledging the uncertainty, you should find something else to do,
> because you are almost certain to do serious damage.
> Josh Cohen
> On Sep 14, 2010, at 8:46 AM, Katrin Verclas wrote:
>> A lot hinges on the myths and rhetoric around so-called
>> ''liberation tech" and the collective (and in many ways uniquely
>> American) techno-fix mythology. It's more about us than people and
>> their hopes and fears in Iran, more about American values and
>> assumptions, and a lot more about the blinders of the players
>> involved, including as Jillian York put it to me, desperate tech
>> journalists on the prowl.
Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org
skype/twitter: katrinskaya
(347) 281-7191
A global network of people using mobile technology for social impact
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