[liberationtech] Firesheep: Making the Complicated Trivial

Uncle "The Dod" Zzzen unclezzzen at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 06:20:27 PDT 2010

Thanks, Chris, for your elaborate response.
I stand corrected.

On Fri, 2010-10-29 at 11:50 -0700, Chris Palmer wrote:
> Even active man-in-the-middle attacks are cheap and easy enough to be
> funny pranks:
Thanks for opening my eyes regarding these threats. Like you say in your
presentation "if you're not a wolf, you're a sheep". I guess I have a
lot of catching up to do here.

> I'd rather we spent our time improving the usability of HTTPS than on
> developing a mechanisms which completely punts on usability while also
> not providing end-to-end security.
> http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=df9sn445_206ff3kn9gs

Still going through it, but I see that it deals with the problems that I
have with ssl. Your presentation - of course - shows the interests of
all parties involved - and not only mine (as a deployer).

I hope your TOFU/POP project succeeds, because at the moment - the only
solution for any web site that requires admin interface would be to
either buy a certificate (expensive for us in the 3rd world) or move to
google, which would make it "the internet".

Thanks again for your time,
The Dod

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