[liberationtech] pgp and e-mail resources?

Steve Weis steveweis at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 08:23:01 PDT 2010

An alternative is S/MIME. It's already supported by desktop clients
like Outlook, Mail.app, Eudora and Thunderbird, as well as Blackberry. The
clients I tried several years ago handled incoming messages automatically
and had simple "Sign" and "Encrypt" buttons for outgoing messages. If you're
using Mail.app, go to Help, type "s/mime" or "encrypt", and select "Sending
signed and encrypted messages".

There will still be pain for individual users installing and managing
certificates. I think the S/MIME user base is centered in government or
large corporate organizations, where the users are using
centrally-administered machines and certificates.

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 1:49 AM, Graham Webster <gwebster at uw.edu> wrote:

> Dear everyone,
> I may or may not have posted here before, but I appreciate the expertise
> and careful thought of this community. I write because some colleagues,
> friends, and others have asked me over the last few years how to send and
> receive e-mail securely.
> Let's assume correspondents can't assume their counterparts will be
> connecting to mail servers with SSL.
> A google search will tell anyone that there are options for more secure
> e-mail. Is there any consensus, or (even more interestingly for this
> community) are there competing ideas of how best to make e-mail secure?
> I'm thinking of opinions of which GUI options are best, or of what less
> easy procedures might provide good security. Obviously PGP comes to mind.
> I have installed and only very occasionally used GPGMail for Apple Mail,
> but personally have no way to evaluate its security. I wonder if the list
> has ideas of well-maintained guides to show people, or other e-mail
> security.
> Best,
> Graham Webster
> --
> Graham Webster
> Ph.D. Student
> Department of Political Science
> University of Washington
> http://gwbstr.com
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