[liberationtech] Firesheep: Making the Complicated Trivial

Seth David Schoen schoen at eff.org
Tue Oct 26 11:30:28 PDT 2010

Douglas Finley writes:

> Isn't Tor designed exactly for these circumstances?

It lets you change one set of people spying on you and taking over your
sessions for another.


Firesheep can probably be used unmodified by a Tor exit node operator
on an unswitched wired network that their exit node is on.

Sometimes having a random stranger in a position to spy on you _is_
probably safer than the local network operator and ISP, though!

Seth Schoen
Senior Staff Technologist                         schoen at eff.org
Electronic Frontier Foundation                    https://www.eff.org/
454 Shotwell Street, San Francisco, CA  94110     +1 415 436 9333 x107

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