[liberationtech] Great piece by Seymour Hersch in The New Yorker

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Oct 25 13:39:21 PDT 2010

Should we be worried about a cyber war?

by Seymour M. Hersh

NOVEMBER 1, 2010

Some experts say that the real danger lies in confusing cyber
espionage with cyber war.

On April 1, 2001, an American EP-3E Aries II reconnaissance plane on
an eavesdropping mission collided with a Chinese interceptor jet over
the South China Sea, triggering the first international crisis of
George W. Bush’s Administration. The Chinese jet crashed, and its
pilot was killed, but the pilot of the American aircraft, Navy
Lieutenant Shane Osborn, managed to make an emergency landing at a
Chinese F-8 fighter base on Hainan Island, fifteen miles from the
mainland. Osborn later published a memoir, in which he described the
“incessant jackhammer vibration” as the plane fell eight thousand feet
in thirty seconds, before he regained control.

The plane carried twenty-four officers and enlisted men and women
attached to the Naval Security Group Command, a field component of the
National Security Agency. They were repatriated after eleven days; the
plane stayed behind. The Pentagon told the press that the crew had
followed its protocol, which called for the use of a fire axe, and
even hot coffee, to disable the plane’s equipment and software. These
included an operating system created and controlled by the N.S.A., and
the drivers needed to monitor encrypted Chinese radar, voice, and
electronic communications. It was more than two years before the Navy
acknowledged that things had not gone so well. “Compromise by the
People’s Republic of China of undestroyed classified material . . . is
highly probable and cannot be ruled out,” a Navy report issued in
September, 2003, said.

The loss was even more devastating than the 2003 report suggested, and
its dimensions have still not been fully revealed. Retired Rear
Admiral Eric McVadon, who flew patrols off the coast of Russia and
served as a defense attaché in Beijing, told me that the radio reports
from the aircraft indicated that essential electronic gear had been
dealt with. He said that the crew of the EP-3E managed to erase the
hard drive—“zeroed it out”—but did not destroy the hardware, which
left data retrievable: “No one took a hammer.” Worse, the electronics
had recently been upgraded. “Some might think it would not turn out as
badly as it did, but I sat in some meetings about the intelligence
cost,” McVadon said. “It was grim.”

The Navy’s experts didn’t believe that China was capable of
reverse-engineering the plane’s N.S.A.-supplied operating system,
estimated at between thirty and fifty million lines of computer code,
according to a former senior intelligence official. Mastering it would
give China a road map for decrypting the Navy’s classified
intelligence and operational data. “If the operating system was
controlling what you’d expect on an intelligence aircraft, it would
have a bunch of drivers to capture radar and telemetry,” Whitfield
Diffie, a pioneer in the field of encryption, said. “The plane was
configured for what it wants to snoop, and the Chinese would want to
know what we wanted to know about them—what we could intercept and
they could not.” And over the next few years the U.S. intelligence
community began to “read the tells” that China had access to sensitive

The U.S. realized the extent of its exposure only in late 2008. A few
weeks after Barack Obama’s election, the Chinese began flooding a
group of communications links known to be monitored by the N.S.A. with
a barrage of intercepts, two Bush Administration national-security
officials and the former senior intelligence official told me. The
intercepts included details of planned American naval movements. The
Chinese were apparently showing the U.S. their hand. (“The N.S.A.
would ask, ‘Can the Chinese be that good?’ ” the former official told
me. “My response was that they only invented gunpowder in the tenth
century and built the bomb in 1965. I’d say, ‘Can you read Chinese?’
We don’t even know the Chinese pictograph for ‘Happy hour.’ ”)

Why would the Chinese reveal that they had access to American
communications? One of the Bush national-security officials told me
that some of the aides then working for Vice-President Dick Cheney
believed—or wanted to believe—that the barrage was meant as a welcome
to President Obama. It is also possible that the Chinese simply made a
mistake, given the difficulty of operating surgically in the cyber

Admiral Timothy J. Keating, who was then the head of the Pacific
Command, convened a series of frantic meetings in Hawaii, according to
a former C.I.A. official. In early 2009, Keating brought the issue to
the new Obama Administration. If China had reverse-engineered the
EP-3E’s operating system, all such systems in the Navy would have to
be replaced, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. After much
discussion, several current and former officials said, this was done.
(The Navy did not respond to a request for comment on the incident.)

Admiral McVadon said that the loss prompted some black humor, with one
Navy program officer quoted as saying, “This is one hell of a way to
go about getting a new operating system.”

The EP-3E debacle fuelled a longstanding debate within the military
and in the Obama Administration. Many military leaders view the
Chinese penetration as a warning about present and future
vulnerabilities—about the possibility that China, or some other
nation, could use its expanding cyber skills to attack America’s
civilian infrastructure and military complex. On the other side are
those who argue for a civilian response to the threat, focussed on a
wider use of encryption. They fear that an overreliance on the
military will have adverse consequences for privacy and civil

In May, after years of planning, the U.S. Cyber Command was officially
activated, and took operational control of disparate cyber-security
and attack units that had been scattered among the four military
services. Its commander, Army General Keith Alexander, a career
intelligence officer, has made it clear that he wants more access to
e-mail, social networks, and the Internet to protect America and fight
in what he sees as a new warfare domain—cyberspace. In the next few
months, President Obama, who has publicly pledged that his
Administration will protect openness and privacy on the Internet, will
have to make choices that will have enormous consequences for the
future of an ever-growing maze of new communication techniques: Will
America’s networks be entrusted to civilians or to the military? Will
cyber security be treated as a kind of war?

Even as the full story of China’s EP-3E coup remained hidden, “cyber
war” was emerging as one of the nation’s most widely publicized
national-security concerns. Early this year, Richard Clarke, a former
White House national-security aide who warned about the threat from Al
Qaeda before the September 11th attacks, published “Cyber War,” an
edgy account of America’s vulnerability to hackers, both
state-sponsored and individual, especially from China. “Since the late
1990s, China has systematically done all the things a nation would do
if it contemplated having an offensive cyber war capability,” Clarke
wrote. He forecast a world in which China might unleash havoc:

Within a quarter of an hour, 157 major metropolitan areas have been
thrown into knots by a nationwide power blackout hitting during rush
hour. Poison gas clouds are wafting toward Wilmington and Houston.
Refineries are burning up oil supplies in several cities. Subways have
crashed in New York, Oakland, Washington, and Los Angeles. . . .
Aircraft are literally falling out of the sky as a result of midair
collisions across the country. . . . Several thousand Americans have
already died.

Retired Vice-Admiral J. Michael McConnell, Bush’s second director of
National Intelligence, has issued similar warnings. “The United States
is fighting a cyber war today, and we are losing,” McConnell wrote
earlier this year in the Washington Post. “Our cyber-defenses are
woefully lacking.” In February, in testimony before the Senate
Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, he said, “As a
consequence of not mitigating the risk, we’re going to have a
catastrophic event.”

A great deal of money is at stake. Cyber security is a major growth
industry, and warnings from Clarke, McConnell, and others have helped
to create what has become a military-cyber complex. The federal
government currently spends between six and seven billion dollars
annually for unclassified cyber-security work, and, it is estimated,
an equal amount on the classified portion. In July, the Washington
Post published a critical assessment of the unchecked growth of
government intelligence agencies and private contractors. Benjamin
Powell, who served as general counsel for three directors of the
Office of National Intelligence, was quoted as saying of the
cyber-security sector, “Sometimes there was an unfortunate attitude of
bring your knives, your guns, your fists, and be fully prepared to
defend your turf. . . . Because it’s funded, it’s hot and it’s sexy.”

Clarke is the chairman of Good Harbor Consulting, a strategic-planning
firm that advises governments and companies on cyber security and
other issues. (He says that more than ninety per cent of his company’s
revenue comes from non-cyber-related work.) McConnell is now an
executive vice-president of Booz Allen Hamilton, a major defense
contractor. Two months after McConnell testified before the Senate,
Booz Allen Hamilton landed a thirty-four-million-dollar cyber
contract. It included fourteen million dollars to build a bunker for
the Pentagon’s new Cyber Command.

American intelligence and security officials for the most part agree
that the Chinese military, or, for that matter, an independent hacker,
is theoretically capable of creating a degree of chaos inside America.
But I was told by military, technical, and intelligence experts that
these fears have been exaggerated, and are based on a fundamental
confusion between cyber espionage and cyber war. Cyber espionage is
the science of covertly capturing e-mail traffic, text messages, other
electronic communications, and corporate data for the purpose of
gathering national-security or commercial intelligence. Cyber war
involves the penetration of foreign networks for the purpose of
disrupting or dismantling those networks, and making them inoperable.
(Some of those I spoke to made the point that China had demonstrated
its mastery of cyber espionage in the EP-3E incident, but it did not
make overt use of it to wage cyber war.) Blurring the distinction
between cyber war and cyber espionage has been profitable for defense
contractors—and dispiriting for privacy advocates.

Clarke’s book, with its alarming vignettes, was praised by many
reviewers. But it received much harsher treatment from writers in the
technical press, who pointed out factual errors and faulty
assumptions. For example, Clarke attributed a severe power outage in
Brazil to a hacker; the evidence pointed to sooty insulators.

The most common cyber-war scare scenarios involve America’s electrical
grid. Even the most vigorous privacy advocate would not dispute the
need to improve the safety of the power infrastructure, but there is
no documented case of an electrical shutdown forced by a cyber attack.
And the cartoonish view that a hacker pressing a button could cause
the lights to go out across the country is simply wrong. There is no
national power grid in the United States. There are more than a
hundred publicly and privately owned power companies that operate
their own lines, with separate computer systems and separate security
arrangements. The companies have formed many regional grids, which
means that an electrical supplier that found itself under cyber attack
would be able to avail itself of power from nearby systems.
Decentralization, which alarms security experts like Clarke and many
in the military, can also protect networks.

In July, there were reports that a computer worm, known as Stuxnet,
had infected thousands of computers worldwide. Victims, most of whom
were unharmed, were able to overcome the attacks, although it
sometimes took hours or days to even notice them. Some of the
computers were inside the Bushehr nuclear-energy plant, in Iran, and
this led to speculation that Israel or the United States might have
developed the virus. A Pentagon adviser on information warfare told me
that it could have been an attempted “semantic attack,” in which the
virus or worm is designed to fool its victim into thinking that its
computer systems are functioning properly, when in fact they are not,
and may not have been for some time. (This month, Microsoft, whose
Windows operating systems were the main target of Stuxnet, completed a
lengthy security fix, or patch.)

If Stuxnet was aimed specifically at Bushehr, it exhibited one of the
weaknesses of cyber attacks: they are difficult to target and also to
contain. India and China were both hit harder than Iran, and the virus
could easily have spread in a different direction, and hit Israel
itself. Again, the very openness of the Internet serves as a deterrent
against the use of cyber weapons.

Bruce Schneier, a computer scientist who publishes a widely read blog
on cyber security, told me that he didn’t know whether Stuxnet posed a
new threat. “There’s certainly no actual evidence that the worm is
targeted against Iran or anybody,” he said in an e-mail. “On the other
hand, it’s very well designed and well written.” The real hazard of
Stuxnet, he added, might be that it was “great for those who want to
believe cyber war is here. It is going to be harder than ever to hold
off the military.”

A defense contractor who is regarded as one of America’s most
knowledgeable experts on Chinese military and cyber capabilities took
exception to the phrase “cyber war.” “Yes, the Chinese would love to
stick it to us,” the contractor told me. “They would love to transfer
economic and business innovation from West to East. But cyber
espionage is not cyber war.” He added, “People have been sloppy in
their language. McConnell and Clarke have been pushing cyber war, but
their evidentiary basis is weak.”

James Lewis, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies, who worked for the Departments of State and
Commerce in the Clinton Administration, has written extensively on the
huge economic costs due to cyber espionage from China and other
countries, like Russia, whose hackers are closely linked to organized
crime. Lewis, too, made a distinction between this and cyber war:
“Current Chinese officials have told me that we’re not going to attack
Wall Street, because we basically own it”—a reference to China’s
holdings of nearly a trillion dollars in American securities—“and a
cyber-war attack would do as much economic harm to us as to you.”

Nonetheless, China “is in full economic attack” inside the United
States, Lewis says. “Some of it is economic espionage that we know and
understand. Some of it is like the Wild West. Everybody is pirating
from everybody else. The U.S.’s problem is what to do about it. I
believe we have to begin by thinking about it”—the Chinese cyber
threat—“as a trade issue that we have not dealt with.”

The bureaucratic battle between the military and civilian agencies
over cyber security—and the budget that comes with it—has made threat
assessments more problematic. General Alexander, the head of Cyber
Command, is also the director of the N.S.A., a double role that has
caused some apprehension, particularly on the part of privacy
advocates and civil libertarians. (The N.S.A. is formally part of the
Department of Defense.) One of Alexander’s first goals was to make
sure that the military would take the lead role in cyber security and
in determining the future shape of computer networks. (A Department of
Defense spokesman, in response to a request to comment on this story,
said that the department “continues to adhere to all laws, policies,
directives, or regulations regarding cyberspace. The Department of
Defense maintains strong commitments to protecting civil liberties and

The Department of Homeland Security has nominal responsibility for the
safety of America’s civilian and private infrastructure, but the
military leadership believes that the D.H.S. does not have the
resources to protect the electrical grids and other networks. (The
department intends to hire a thousand more cyber-security staff
members over the next three years.) This dispute became public when,
in March, 2009, Rodney Beckstrom, the director of the D.H.S.’s
National Cybersecurity Center, abruptly resigned. In a letter to
Secretary Janet Napolitano, Beckstrom warned that the N.S.A. was
effectively controlling her department’s cyber operations: “While
acknowledging the critical importance of N.S.A. to our intelligence
efforts . . . the threats to our democratic processes are significant
if all top level government network security and monitoring are
handled by any one organization.” Beckstrom added that he had argued
for civilian control of cyber security, “which interfaces with, but is
not controlled by, the N.S.A.”

General Alexander has done little to reassure critics about the
N.S.A.’s growing role. In the public portion of his confirmation
hearing, in April, before the Senate Armed Services Committee, he
complained of a “mismatch between our technical capabilities to
conduct operations and the governing laws and policies.”

Alexander later addressed a controversial area: when to use
conventional armed forces to respond to, or even preëmpt, a network
attack. He told the senators that one problem for Cyber Command would
be to formulate a response based on nothing more than a rough judgment
about a hacker’s intent. “What’s his game plan? Does he have one?” he
said. “These are tough issues, especially when attribution and
neutrality are brought in, and when trying to figure out what’s come
in.” At this point, he said, he did not have “the authority . . . to
reach out into a neutral country and do an attack. And therein lies
the complication. . . . What do you do to take that second step?”

Making the same argument, William J. Lynn III, the Deputy Secretary of
Defense, published an essay this fall in Foreign Affairs in which he
wrote of applying the N.S.A.’s “defense capabilities beyond the ‘.gov’
domain,” and asserted, “As a doctrinal matter, the Pentagon has
formally recognized cyberspace as a new domain of warfare.” This
definition raises questions about where the battlefield begins and
where it ends. If the military is operating in “cyberspace,” does that
include civilian computers in American homes?

Lynn also alluded to a previously classified incident, in 2008, in
which some N.S.A. unit commanders, facing penetration of their bases’
secure networks, concluded that the break-in was caused by a disabling
thumb drive; Lynn said that it had been corrupted by “a foreign
intelligence agency.” (According to press reports, the program was
just as likely to be the product of hackers as that of a government.)
Lynn termed it a “wakeup call” and a “turning point in U.S. cyber
defense strategy.” He compared the present moment to the day in 1939
when President Franklin D. Roosevelt got a letter from Albert Einstein
about the possibility of atomic warfare.

But Lynn didn’t mention one key element in the commanders’ response:
they ordered all ports on the computers on their bases to be sealed
with liquid cement. Such a demand would be a tough sell in the
civilian realm. (And a Pentagon adviser suggested that many military
computer operators had simply ignored the order.)

A senior official in the Department of Homeland Security told me,
“Every time the N.S.A. gets involved in domestic security, there’s a
hue and cry from people in the privacy world.” He said, though, that
coöperation between the military and civilians had increased. (The
Department of Homeland Security recently signed a memorandum with the
Pentagon that gives the military authority to operate inside the
United States in case of cyber attack.) “We need the N.S.A., but the
question we have is how to work with them and still say and
demonstrate that we are in charge in the areas for which we are

This official, like many I spoke to, portrayed the talk about cyber
war as a bureaucratic effort “to raise the alarm” and garner support
for an increased Defense Department role in the protection of private
infrastructure. He said, “You hear about cyber war all over town.
This”—he mentioned statements by Clarke and others—“is being done to
mobilize a political effort. We always turn to war analogies to
mobilize the people.”

In theory, the fight over whether the Pentagon or civilian agencies
should be in charge of cyber security should be mediated by President
Obama’s coördinator for cyber security, Howard Schmidt—the cyber czar.
But Schmidt has done little to assert his authority. He has no
independent budget control and in a crisis would be at the mercy of
those with more assets, such as General Alexander. He was not the
Administration’s first choice for the cyber-czar job—reportedly,
several people turned it down. The Pentagon adviser on information
warfare, in an e-mail that described the lack of an over-all policy
and the “cyber-pillage” of intellectual property, added the sort of
dismissive comment that I heard from others: “It’s ironic that all
this goes on under the nose of our first cyber President. . . . Maybe
he should have picked a cyber czar with more than a mail-order
degree.” (Schmidt’s bachelor’s and master’s degrees are from the
University of Phoenix.)

Howard Schmidt doesn’t like the term “cyber war.” “The key point is
that cyber war benefits no one,” Schmidt told me in an interview at
the Old Executive Office Building. “We need to focus on that fact.
When people tell me that these guys or this government is going to
take down the U.S. military with information warfare I say that, if
you look at the history of conflicts, there’s always been the goal of
intercepting the communications of combatants—whether it’s cutting
down telephone poles or intercepting Morse-code signalling. We have
people now who have found that warning about ‘cyber war’ has become an
unlikely career path”—an obvious reference to McConnell and Clarke.
“All of a sudden, they have become experts, and they get a lot of
attention. ‘War’ is a big word, and the media is responsible for
pushing this, too. Economic espionage on the Internet has been
mischaracterized by people as cyber war.”

Schmidt served in Vietnam, worked as a police officer for several
years on a SWAT team in Arizona, and then specialized in
computer-related crimes at the F.B.I. and in the Air Force’s
investigative division. In 1997, he joined Microsoft, where he became
chief of security, leaving after the 9/11 attacks to serve in the Bush
Administration as a special adviser for cyber security. When Obama
hired him, he was working as the head of security for eBay. When I
asked him about the ongoing military-civilian dispute, Schmidt said,
“The middle way is not to give too much authority to one group or
another and to make sure that we share information with each other.”

Schmidt continued, “We have to protect our infrastructure and our way
of life, for sure. We do have vulnerabilities, and we do talk about
worst-case scenarios” with the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland
Security. “You don’t see a looming war and just wait for it to come.”
But, at the same time, “we have to keep our shipping lanes open, to
continue to do commerce, and to freely use the Internet.”

How should the power grid be protected? It does remain far too easy
for a sophisticated hacker to break into American networks. In 2008,
the computers of both the Obama and the McCain campaigns were hacked.
Suspicion fell on Chinese hackers. People routinely open e-mails with
infected attachments, allowing hackers to “enslave” their computers.
Such machines, known as zombies, can be linked to create a “botnet,”
which can flood and effectively shut down a major system. Hackers are
also capable of penetrating a major server, like Gmail. Guesses about
the cost of cyber crime vary widely, but one survey, cited by
President Obama in a speech in May, 2009, put the price at more than
eight billion dollars in 2007 and 2008 combined. Obama added,
referring to corporate cyber espionage, “It’s been estimated that last
year alone cyber criminals stole intellectual property from businesses
worldwide worth up to one trillion dollars.”

One solution is mandated encryption: the government would compel both
corporations and individuals to install the most up-to-date protection
tools. This option, in some form, has broad support in the technology
community and among privacy advocates. In contrast, military and
intelligence eavesdroppers have resisted nationwide encryption since
1976, when the Diffie-Hellman key exchange (an encryption tool
co-developed by Whitfield Diffie) was invented, for the most obvious
of reasons: it would hinder their ability to intercept signals. In
this sense, the N.S.A.’s interests align with those of the hackers.

John Arquilla, who has taught since 1993 at the U.S. Naval
Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, writes in his book “Worst
Enemies,” “We would all be far better off if virtually all civil,
commercial, governmental, and military internet and web traffic were
strongly encrypted.” Instead, many of those charged with security have
adopted the view that “cyberspace can be defended with virtual
fortifications—basically the ‘firewalls’ that everyone knows about. .
. . A kind of Maginot Line mentality prevails.”

Arquilla added that America’s intelligence agencies and
law-enforcement officials have consistently resisted encryption
because of fears that a serious, widespread effort to secure data
would interfere with their ability to electronically monitor and track
would-be criminals or international terrorists. This hasn’t stopped
sophisticated wrongdoers from, say, hiring hackers or encrypting
files; it just leaves the public exposed, Arquilla writes. “Today drug
lords still enjoy secure internet and web communications, as do many
in terror networks, while most Americans don’t.”

Schmidt told me that he supports mandated encryption for the nation’s
power and electrical infrastructure, though not beyond that. But,
early last year, President Obama declined to support such a mandate,
in part, Schmidt said, because of the costs it would entail for
corporations. In addition to the setup expenses, sophisticated
encryption systems involve a reliance on security cards and on
constantly changing passwords, along with increased demands on
employees and a ceding of control by executives to their security

General Alexander, meanwhile, has continued to press for more
authority, and even for a separate Internet domain—another Maginot
Line, perhaps. One morning in September, he told a group of
journalists that the Cyber Command needed what he called “a secure
zone,” a separate space within the Internet to shelter the military
and essential industries from cyber attacks. The secure zone would be
kept under tight government control. He also assured the journalists,
according to the Times, that “we can protect civil liberties, privacy,
and still do our mission.” The General was more skeptical about his
ability to please privacy advocates when he testified, a few hours
later, before the House Armed Services Committee: “A lot of people
bring up privacy and civil liberties. And then you say, ‘Well, what
specifically are you concerned about?’ And they say, ‘Well, privacy
and civil liberties.’ . . . Are you concerned that the anti-virus
program that McAfee runs invades your privacy or civil liberties?’ And
the answer is ‘No, no, no—but I’m worried that you would.’ ”

This summer, the Wall Street Journal reported that the N.S.A. had
begun financing a secret surveillance program called Perfect Citizen
to monitor attempted intrusions into the computer networks of private
power companies. The program calls for the installation of government
sensors in those networks to watch for unusual activity. The Journal
noted that some companies expressed concerns about privacy, and said
that what they needed instead was better guidance on what to do in
case of a major cyber attack. The N.S.A. issued a rare public
response, insisting that there was no “monitoring activity” involved:
“We strictly adhere to both the spirit and the letter of U.S. laws and

A former N.S.A. operative I spoke to said, of Perfect Citizen, “This
would put the N.S.A. into the job of being able to watch over our
national communications grid. If it was all dot-gov, I would have no
problem with the sensors, but what if the private companies rely on
Gmail or att.net to communicate? This could put the N.S.A. into every
service provider in the country.”

The N.S.A. has its own hackers. Many of them are based at a secret
annex near Thurgood Marshall International Airport, outside Baltimore.
(The airport used to be called Friendship Airport, and the annex is
known to insiders as the FANX, for “Friendship annex.”) There teams of
attackers seek to penetrate the communications of both friendly and
unfriendly governments, and teams of defenders monitor penetrations
and attempted penetrations of U.S. systems. The former N.S.A.
operative, who served as a senior watch officer at a major covert
installation, told me that the N.S.A. obtained invaluable on-the-job
training in cyber espionage during the attack on Iraq in 1991. Its
techniques were perfected during the struggle in Kosovo in 1999 and,
later, against Al Qaeda in Iraq. “Whatever the Chinese can do to us,
we can do better,” the technician said. “Our offensive cyber
capabilities are far more advanced.”

Nonetheless, Marc Rotenberg, the president of the Electronic Privacy
Information Center and a leading privacy advocate, argues that the
N.S.A. is simply not competent enough to take a leadership role in
cyber security. “Let’s put the issue of privacy of communications
aside,” Rotenberg, a former Senate aide who has testified often before
Congress on encryption policy and consumer protection, said. “The
question is: Do you want an agency that spies with mixed success to be
responsible for securing the nation’s security? If you do, that’s

Nearly two decades ago, the Clinton Administration, under pressure
from the N.S.A., said that it would permit encryption-equipped
computers to be exported only if their American manufacturers agreed
to install a government-approved chip, known as the Clipper Chip, in
each one. It was subsequently revealed that the Clipper Chip would
enable law-enforcement officials to have access to data in the
computers. The ensuing privacy row embarrassed Clinton, and the
encryption-equipped computers were permitted to be exported without
the chip, in what amounted to a rebuke to the N.S.A.

That history may be repeating itself. The Obama Administration is now
planning to seek broad new legislation that would enable
national-security and law-enforcement officials to police online
communications. The legislation, similar to that sought two decades
ago in the Clipper Chip debate, would require manufacturers of
equipment such as the BlackBerry, and all domestic and foreign
purveyors of communications, such as Skype, to develop technology that
would allow the federal government to intercept and decode traffic.

“The lesson of Clipper is that the N.S.A. is really not good at what
it does, and its desire to eavesdrop overwhelms its ability to
protect, and puts at risk U.S. security,” Rotenberg said. “The N.S.A.
wants security, sure, but it also wants to get to capture as much as
it can. Its view is you can get great security as long as you listen
in.” Rotenberg added, “General Alexander is not interested in
communication privacy. He’s not pushing for encryption. He wants to
learn more about people who are on the Internet”—to get access to the
original internal protocol, or I.P., addresses identifying the
computers sending e-mail messages. “Alexander wants user I.D. He wants
to know who you are talking to.”

Rotenberg concedes that the government has a role to play in the cyber
world. “We privacy guys want strong encryption for the security of
America’s infrastructure,” he said. He also supports Howard Schmidt in
his willingness to mandate encryption for the few industries whose
disruption could lead to chaos. “Howard is trying to provide a
reasoned debate on an important issue.”

Whitfield Diffie, the encryption pioneer, offered a different note of
skepticism in an e-mail to me: “It would be easy to write a rule
mandating encryption but hard to do it in such a way as to get good
results. To make encryption effective, someone has to manage and
maintain the systems (the way N.S.A. does for D.O.D. and, to a lesser
extent, other parts of government). I think that what is needed is
more by way of standards, guidance, etc., that would make it easier
for industry to implement encryption without making more trouble for
itself than it saves.”

More broadly, Diffie wrote, “I am not convinced that lack of
encryption is the primary problem. The problem with the Internet is
that it is meant for communications among non-friends.”

What about China? Does it pose such a threat that, on its own, it
justifies putting cyber security on a war footing? The U.S. has long
viewed China as a strategic military threat, and as a potential
adversary in the sixty-year dispute over Taiwan. Contingency plans
dating back to the Cold War include calls for an American military
response, led by a Navy carrier group, if a Chinese fleet sails into
the Taiwan Strait. “They’ll want to stop our carriers from coming, and
they will throw whatever they have in cyber war—everything but the
kitchen sink—to blind us, or slow our fleet down,” Admiral McVadon,
the retired defense attaché, said. “Our fear is that the Chinese may
think that cyber war will work, but it may not. And that’s a danger
because it”—a test of cyber warfare—“could lead to a bigger war.”

However, the prospect of a naval battle for Taiwan and its escalation
into a cyber attack on America’s domestic infrastructure is remote.
Jonathan Pollack, an expert on the Chinese military who teaches at the
Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, said, “The fact is that
the Chinese are remarkably risk-averse.” He went on, “Yes, there have
been dustups, and the United States collects intelligence around
China’s border, but there is an accommodation process under way today
between China and Taiwan.” In June, Taiwan approved a trade agreement
with China that had, as its ultimate goal, a political rapprochement.
“The movement there is palpable, and, given that, somebody’s got to
tell me how we are going to find ourselves in a war with China,”
Pollack said.

Many long-standing allies of the United States have been deeply
engaged in cyber espionage for decades. A retired four-star Navy
admiral, who spent much of his career in signals intelligence, said
that Russia, France, Israel, and Taiwan conduct the most cyber
espionage against the U.S. “I’ve looked at the extraordinary amount of
Russian and Chinese cyber activity,” he told me, “and I am hard put to
it to sort out how much is planning for warfare and how much is for
economic purposes.”

The admiral said that the U.S. Navy, worried about budget cuts, “needs
an enemy, and it’s settled on China,” and that “using what your enemy
is building to justify your budget is not a new game.”

There is surprising unanimity among cyber-security experts on one
issue: that the immediate cyber threat does not come from traditional
terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, at least, not for the moment.
“Terrorist groups are not particularly good now in attacking our
computer system,” John Arquilla told me. “They’re not that interested
in it—yet. The question is: Do vulnerabilities exist inside America?
And, if they do, the terrorists eventually will exploit them.”
Arquilla added a disturbing thought: “The terrorists of today rely on
cyberspace, and they have to be good at cyber security to protect
their operations.” As terrorist groups get better at defense, they may
eventually turn to offense.

Jeffrey Carr, a Seattle-based consultant on cyber issues, looked into
state and non-state cyber espionage throughout the recent conflicts in
Estonia and Georgia. Carr, too, said he was skeptical that China or
Russia would mount a cyber-war attack against the United States. “It’s
not in their interest to hurt the country that is feeding them money,”
he said. “On the other hand, it does make sense for lawless groups.”
He envisaged “five- or six-year-old kids in the Middle East who are
working on the Internet,” and who would “become radicalized fifteen-
or sixteen-year-old hackers.” Carr is an advocate of making all
Internet service providers require their customers to use verifiable
registration information, as a means of helping authorities reduce
cyber espionage.

Earlier this year, Carr published “Inside Cyber Warfare,” an account,
in part, of his research into cyber activity around the world. But he
added, “I hate the term ‘cyber war.’ ” Asked why he used “cyber
warfare” in the title of his book, he responded, “I don’t like hype,
but hype sells.”

Why not ignore the privacy community and put cyber security on a war
footing? Granting the military more access to private Internet
communications, and to the Internet itself, may seem prudent to many
in these days of international terrorism and growing American tensions
with the Muslim world. But there are always unintended consequences of
military activity—some that may take years to unravel. Ironically, the
story of the EP-3E aircraft that was downed off the coast of China
provides an example. The account, as relayed to me by a fully informed
retired American diplomat, begins with the contested Presidential
election between Vice-President Al Gore and George W. Bush the
previous November. That fall, a routine military review concluded that
certain reconnaissance flights off the eastern coast of the former
Soviet Union—daily Air Force and Navy sorties flying out of bases in
the Aleutian Islands—were redundant, and recommended that they be cut

“Finally, on the eve of the 2000 election, the flights were released,”
the former diplomat related. “But there was nobody around with any
authority to make changes, and everyone was looking for a job.” The
reality is that no military commander would unilaterally give up any
mission. “So the system defaulted to the next target, which was China,
and the surveillance flights there went from one every two weeks or so
to something like one a day,” the former diplomat continued. By early
December, “the Chinese were acting aggressively toward our now
increased reconnaissance flights, and we complained to our military
about their complaints. But there was no one with political authority
in Washington to respond, or explain.” The Chinese would not have been
told that the increase in American reconnaissance had little to do
with anything other than the fact that inertia was driving day-to-day
policy. There was no leadership in the Defense Department, as both
Democrats and Republicans waited for the Supreme Court to decide the
fate of the Presidency.

The predictable result was an increase in provocative behavior by
Chinese fighter pilots who were assigned to monitor and shadow the
reconnaissance flights. This evolved into a pattern of harassment in
which a Chinese jet would maneuver a few dozen yards in front of the
slow, plodding EP-3E, and suddenly blast on its afterburners, soaring
away and leaving behind a shock wave that severely rocked the American
aircraft. On April 1, 2001, the Chinese pilot miscalculated the
distance between his plane and the American aircraft. It was a mistake
with consequences for the American debate on cyber security that have
yet to be fully reckoned. ♦


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