[liberationtech] Could WikiLeaks Have Helped Thwart 9/11?

Todd Davies davies at stanford.edu
Sat Oct 23 09:57:30 PDT 2010

Interesting speculation from a former FBI special agent/legal counsel 
(Coleen Rowley) and a former team leader of the Federal Air Marshall 
Service and current TSA employee (Bogdan Dzakovic). The original LA Times 
op-ed is linked in this blog post:


Todd Davies                   ***  email: davies at stanford.edu
Symbolic Systems Program      ***  phone: 1-650-723-4091
Stanford University           ***  fax: 1-650-723-5666
Stanford, CA, 94305-2150      ***  web: www.stanford.edu/~davies
USA                           ***  office: 460-040C

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