[liberationtech] Advice for Somali NGOs?

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Wed Oct 20 02:19:14 PDT 2010

What do others think?

Does this mean never?

Clearly a few years ago Global Voices Online felt compelled to write a guide
about blogging that made it pretty clear nothing is safe online in terms of
being tracked down but you can reduce your risk.

So if safe is clearly unacceptable and "safer" implies something impossible,
then taking the "you have a video file you want to share" but you want to
reduce your risk when sharing where are some good "101" introductory

This group clearly has some of the brighest minds and those connected to the
liberation tech field. If you don't know, does it not exist? (Which I guess
brings up the why? question.)

So, what is out there that you recommend I share with NGOs active in Somalia
to reduce their (or everyday people they advise) risk online?


On Oct 19, 2010 11:28 PM, "Jim Youll" <jyoull at alum.mit.edu> wrote:

Until "safer" can be quantified in terms that make sense to every owner of a
video-recording phone...
... even those without much/any technical knowledge
... there is no responsible answer to this question.

(hastily written, but I stand by the sentiment if not the phrasing)

On Oct 19, 2010, at 12:17 AM, Steven Clift wrote:

> Thank you for the few private replies.
> I...

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