[liberationtech] Encrypted SMS

Danny O'Brien DObrien at cpj.org
Thu Oct 7 10:29:23 PDT 2010

On Oct 7, 2010, at 12:45 AM, Graham Smith wrote:

I'm very interested in mobile technology, and I've been wondering what open source solutions exist for encrypted SMS messaging using PKI.

The only obvious project that has come to my attention in this field is called CryptoSMS[1], which is licensed under the GPL, and uses ECC for encrypting SMS messages between phones.  Key sharing is also done over SMS, directly between any two phones which wish to communicate securely.  Their recommendation is to visually compare the hash of the public key on the recipient phone to verify that it has been shared correctly.

I've not been able to find any serious review of CryptoSMS, or any other implementation of secure SMS messaging.  Would any of you helpful people be able to point me the right way, or share your thoughts?

You might also want to look at TextSecure, http://www.whispersys.com/, which is based on OTR, but with some protocol changes to fit with SMS's limited size. I've cc:'d the author of TextSecure here Moxie Marlinspike, though I suspect he may be onlist anyway.




[1] http://cryptosms.org/

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