[liberationtech] Mobile, Introduction

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Thu Oct 7 05:28:58 PDT 2010

Greetings all, I am Steven Clift - http://stevenclift.com

I've been a member for a few months soaking in your discussions. My work
typically is focused in local communities in strong democracies where
"liberation" or effectively distributing agenda-setting power to the public
is based on digital inclusion and the power and respect claimed with the use
of real names. E-Democracy's Issues Forum model contrasts dramatically with
the state of local online news commenting which is now dominated by polar
extremes and incivility.

It is clear to me that our real name model is -not-  appropriate in places
where so-called accountability can toss you in jail or worse for your
expressions online. The less retribution likely, the more our lessons might
be helpful.

So this brings me to my question. I'll be speaking in Kenya next week, which
as I understand it is a relative bright spot for online expression. Mobile
is all the rage and smart phones and pay as you go mobile 3G are on the
rise. Just as folks have written guides about being safer online with
blogging, what about the use of mobile devices or wireless web work. I
assume one of the biggest risks is what happens if your device is taken from
you (or lost) and analyzed.

Are there resources out there you would recommend? Any thoughts now on
applications or risks that one might consider?

Steven Clift

P.S. From a democracy-building perspective two resources of interest:
http://e-democracy.org/inclusion - our Ford funded efforts in low income,
high immigrant neighborhoods (biggest challenge immigrants in the U.S. are
tired of defending themselves on online news sites as they are told to "go
home" anonymously everyday so they don't claim their voice among the general
public online even in safer places for exchange) and the international
Digital Inclusion Network: http://e-democracy.org/di - replaces the old
defunct digital divide e-list
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