[liberationtech] Intro, LibTech Jobs with NDI

Chris Doten cdoten at ndi.org
Tue Oct 5 15:14:45 PDT 2010

Hi all-

Chris Doten checking in; I wanted to introduce myself as NDI's lead for development with information security and in closed regime. NDI's ICT Programs team focuses on using appropriate technologies to strengthen democratic institutions around the world. Our chief Chris Spence presented at the Liberation Technologies seminar last Friday on "Moments of Opportunity in Authoritarian Regimes"; thanks very much to Larry Diamond for the invitation.

After the talk Larry suggested that we share with this list a number of job openings NDI has for work that might be of interest to you folks. Please feel free to pass around.

Burma/Thailand: We're looking for someone who can support our partners in their efforts to monitor the upcoming Burma elections, helping them transmit their stories and to use smart data collection and representation techniques. You will spend three months in Thailand where you will work with highly motivated rights and advocacy groups. This is an excellent gig for a data security and advocacy ninja.
Middle East: We're looking for an online messaging guru comfortable working in a closed society to travel to the Middle East for a 3-week field assignment to work with local NGOs who are monitoring and highlighting government conduct during an electoral period.
DC: We need an energetic, innovative programming wizard to build interesting Drupal web applications incorporating advanced visualization tools, managing data from mobile phones (SMS) and dealing with large data sets. These platforms will power democracy programs around the world in areas like human rights, election monitoring, and political organizing.
And as a bonus, for any student rockstars who want hands on experience implementing technology with in democracy programs across the world, the ICT team is hiring a (paid!) intern in DC.

I look forward to the discussions on the list!

Chris Doten
Senior Program Officer, Information & Communication Technologies
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
cdoten at ndi.org | +1 202-728-5684 | Skype/Twitter: cdoten | http://demworks.org

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