[liberationtech] Call For Papers - eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government (JeDEM)

Noella Edelmann noella.edelmann at donau-uni.ac.at
Mon May 17 00:57:13 PDT 2010

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Call For Papers - eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government (JeDEM)
Issue 3/ September 2010
(ISSN: 2075-9517)

Special Issue in collaboration with PEP-NET: Sustainable

Guest Editors
Rolf Luehrs (PEP-NET, TuTech Innovation GmbH, D)
Francesco Molinari (SmartIntuitions Ltd., CY)

In collaboration with the European Network for eParticipation
(http://pep-net.eu/), the Centre for E-Government at the Danube
University Krems invites you to submit an article for the third issue of
the eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government (JeDEM).

The eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government addresses the theory and
practice in the areas of eDemocracy and Open Government as well as
eGovernment, eParticipation, eDeliberation and eSociety. The aim is to
impact the quality, visibility, efficiency and use of research and work
in eDemocracy, Open Government and related fields.

Call for Papers
The past decade has seen a significant increase in the number, variety
and quality of eParticipation trials, particularly in Western and
Southern European countries. The impulse of the European Parliament and
the financial support by the Commission have been instrumental in
establishing a pan-European community of practice, made up of academia,
governments and solution providers from virtually all EU Member States.

However, on the evaluative side, many projects that were seen through
to their conclusion apparently failed to meet expectations. The most
evident limitations are the typically low number of active participants
and the relatively poor impact of the (majority of) projects. 

Although it is often taken for granted that ICT-supported political
participation will be of increased importance in the future, the
question of how to enhance the sustainability of eParticipation projects
has not yet been convincingly answered. In times where most of the
European countries have to cope with a difficult financial situation,
eParticipation supporters and particularly Public Administration
officials will be put under even more pressure to show that the required
resources lead to tangible results and create real value for the

In this volume of JEDEM we are calling for theoretical and practical
papers addressing the challenges of *Sustainable eParticipation*. 

-	review of successful examples of implementation  
-	institutional, legal, social and economic aspects of sustainable
-	ICT supported co-creation of public services
-	eParticipation and Gov 2.0
-	Living Labs and eParticipation

The journal encourages critical, multi-disciplinary approaches
including political science, legal studies, economics, sociology and
psychology so as to better understand and support societal and
institutional needs, developments and changes.

We look forward to your submission in one of the following categories
(maximum length 15 pages excluding references):
* Scientific Research Papers (research in progress or completed) -
anonymous peer review;
* Case Studies * anonymous peer review;
* Project Descriptions (focus on practitioners) - editorial review;
* Part IV: Reflections (Literature reviews, comments, discussions, and
interviews) - no review.

Important Dates:
Deadline for submission: 21 June 2010
Notification of acceptance: 2 August 2010
Camera-ready paper: 16 August 2010
JeDEM Issue 3 will be online 1 September 2010.

* Submission procedure and format template:

JeDEM is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal. All journal content,
except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons

Francesco Molinari: mail at francescomolinari.it 
Noella Edelmann: noella.edelmann at donau-uni.ac.at 


Noella Edelmann BA, MSc, MAS
Conference for E-democracy, E-participation and E-voting
eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government
Digital Government Blog
Centre for E-Government
Danube University Krems
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Strasse 30
3500 Krems 
Tel.: ++43 2732 893 2303
noella.edelmann at donau-uni.ac.at 

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