[liberationtech] IPID ICT4D Posgraduate Conference 2010: Call for communications

Neema Moraveji neema at stanford.edu
Thu Jun 3 09:03:56 PDT 2010

The 2010 Annual Conference of the International Network for
Postgraduate Students in the Area of ICT4D (IPID) will be held the
9th-10th September 2010 at Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona,
Barcelona, Spain.

This is a mainly academic conference, with all its procedures, but
much more informal and constructive than usual. Its main purpose is

To let postgraduate students present short papers about their research
in a supportive environment where they can gain positive feedback from
other participants;
To provide an opportunity to discuss key themes of interest to ICT4D
postgraduates. The conference organisers would be pleased to hear from
potential participants about the themes they would like to have

Ways to participate:

If you are a postgraduate student — master, PhD — in ICT4D, this is
your place. Come and share your research, whatever the stage of
development it is in. You’ll get guidance and support, and will meet
with other people like you struggling in this new discipline.
If you are a scholar and want to be aware of the cutting edge research
on ICT4D, this is your place too: the ideas presented in the
conference are always thrilling in many ways. You might want to
organize a workshop and/or be part of our senior board that’ll help
too in providing some structured feedback to the students presenting
their research.
If you are a practitioner or a policy-maker in ICT4D, we saved room
for you too. Though the event is academic in its essence, you’ll see
plenty of applied work and theoretical background to base that applied

Important data:

When: 9 and 10 September, 2010
Where: Campus Nord, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Official website
Registration form
Official blog
Official tag: #ipid2010
Communication offers close 1st July 2010
Registration closes on 15th August 2010

Please stay tuned to IPID’s blog, where we will publish a link to the
registration form. Fees will not be higher than 140€ and we are
working to keep them at 0€. Fees will include all meals and materials
during the event (coffee breaks, lunch and dinner for days 9th and
10th). Accomodation in Barcelona will cost you circa 50€ if you find
place on a students residence (we’re working on that too).

Please send any inquieries to ipid2010 at ictlogy.net and, please, spread the word!

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