[liberationtech] MEDIA: Tech Being Used in Haiti -- Delete if not interested

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 20:22:21 PST 2010

[image: The Official Google Blog - Insights from Googlers into our products,
technology and the Google culture] <http://googleblog.blogspot.com/>

  Staying connected in post-earthquake
1/15/2010 05:26:00 PM
With relief efforts underway, many displaced Haitians and their friends and
families around the world are deeply concerned about the safety and
whereabouts of loved ones. In response to the Haitian earthquake, a team of
Googlers worked with the U.S. Department of State to create an online People
Finder gadget so that people can submit information about missing persons
and to search the database.

You'll find this gadget on our Haiti earthquake response
website<http://www.google.com/relief/haitiearthquake/> as
well as on the State Department
In order to prevent the proliferation of multiple missing persons databases
(a big problem during Hurricane Katrina), we've made the People Finder
gadget standards-based and easily embeddable on any website (see
here<http://haiticrisis.appspot.com/embed> for
instructions). The gadget is currently available in English, French and

We're also helping families in the U.S. stay connected with their loved ones
in Haiti by offering free calls to Haiti for the next two weeks via Google
Voice. If you don't have a Google Voice account already, request an
invitation at www.google.com/voice<https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?passive=true&service=grandcentral&ltmpl=bluebar&continue=https://www.google.com/voice/account/signin/%3Fprev%3D&gsessionid=jdYMVLho0_o9UTZxq-Sylw>

For anyone interested in viewing updated imagery in Google Earth, we've now
included GeoEye's shots from Wednesday in the Historical Imagery
Now you can view the imagery without downloading the KML
can use the time slider to easily compare the stark before-and-after images,
such as those below. To help relief organizations, GeoEye has made
professional-quality files of their recent satellite imagery of Haiti
downloadable via ourearthquake response
We hope the imagery in this format will be valuable to GIS organizations and
aid workers.

(Click to see full-size)

*We have also made Haiti Map Maker
data<http://mapmaker.google.com/datadownload> publicly
available for download for non-commercial use and attribution. Data can be
used by relief workers to do things such as create offline maps, combine
data sets and run analysis, all of which we hope will help with their
efforts on the ground. Please help improve Haiti
Google Map Maker.

News and user footage continues to roll
<http://www.youtube.com/citizentube> into
YouTube. Oxfam and the American Red Cross are even responding to donations
by uploading videos <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo6hfeHju4k> that show
viewers exactly where their contributions are making a difference.

Posted by Jacquelline Fuller and Prem Ramaswami for the Google Crisis
Response Team


Labels: google.org <http://googleblog.blogspot.com/search/label/google.org>
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