[liberationtech] Fwd: Working Toward Nuclear Sanity

Terry Winograd winograd at cs.stanford.edu
Mon Jan 18 11:40:59 PST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin Hellman <hellman at stanford.edu>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 9:26 PM
Subject: Working Toward Nuclear Sanity

With support from former Stanford President Donald Kennedy, as well as
Nobel Laureates Martin Perl and Kenneth Arrow, I am working on a new
approach to get society to give the issue of nuclear weapons the
respect it deserves.

Of direct relevance to you, this approach depends on participation by
Stanford students and gives them a potentially key role to play in
eliminating the threat posed by nuclear weapons.

If this sounds interesting, I hope you can come to to an informational
meeting on Wednesday, January 20, at 6 PM, at my home on campus (730
Alvarado Court, at the corner of Alvarado and Mayfield). This will
provide an opportunity to learn more about the project as well as meet
Prof. Perl, and possibly Prof. Arrow.

I'll provide food, so it would help if those who are coming would send
me an email (hellman at stanford.edu) so I have an idea of how much we'll
need. But, if you can come at the last minute, that's OK too. (If
you'd like to participate, but cannot attend, let me know that too.)

More details on this admittedly audacious approach are at
http://nuclearrisk.org/stanford/. Thanks for considering this

Martin Hellman
Member, National Academy of Engineering
Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

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