[liberationtech] CrisisCamp Haiti - Silicon Valley THIS Saturday in Mt. View - Volunteers needed!
Joshua Kauffman
joshua.kauffman at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 11:15:31 PST 2010
Sign up today! http://crisiscamphaitisiliconvalley.eventbrite.com/
This Saturday, Super Happy Dev House (
http://www.superhappydevhouse.org/SuperHappyDevHouse36) will be hosting
CrisisCamp Haiti Silicon Valley this Saturday to bring together volunteers
to collaborate on technology projects which aim to assist in Haiti's relief
efforts by providing data, information, maps and technical assistance to
NGOs, relief agencies and the public.
Jeremy Johnstone (@jsjohnst) <http://twitter.com/jsjohnst> will be leading
up a team. Look for Jeremy and the Random Hacks of
Kindness<http://www.rhok.org/> signs
when you arrive.
This event is free and open to the public. You don't have to be technical to
volunteer time.
Project Proposals for CrisisCamp Haiti
1. Base layer map for Port Au Prince: This project would create a new
collection of imagery and a new base map for NGOs and relief agencies. Post
available imagery to share with the public for open source applications.
2. Family locator systems: Uniting efforts of interested technologists,
developers and communications experts to provide technical assistance.
3. Tech Volunteer Skill Matrix/Volunteers: Create a role of volunteer as
well as
4. Managing News Aggregator: Provide content channel management to
coordinate data feeds
5. Defining the Collective: Create what we are and why we are doing this.
Coordinate and post historical timeline/archive for the CrisisCamp efforts.
About CrisisCamp
CrisisCamp will bring together domain experts, developers, and first
responders around improving technology and practice for humanitarian crisis
management and disaster relief.
Each and every day, people across the world can find themselves in
Whether it be for a day, a month or an area of social distress, we all have
a common need to connect with loved ones, access information and offer
assistance to others.
During Transparency Camp 09 <http://transparencycamp.org/> and Government
2.0 Camp <http://barcamp.org/Government20Camp>, several campers exchanged a
host of ideas on the need to better connect people with their social
networks and information through the use of technology, especially during
times and places of crisis. For example, campers shared how mobile
innovation on mobile health and alternative power supplies was happening in
Africa. Others shared how how citizens of the cloud used their technical
skills to aggregate data to help people (often in another part of the world)
synthesize desperate pieces of information into something they could
understand. We uncovered a dividing line between international humanitarian
relief and domestic crisis response. We saw common themes across all efforts
including: the use of mobility, the Internet as a common coordination
platform, the need for volunteers and the ability to provide alternative
community communications access areas. By the end of the tweet-up, we had 40
volunteers sitting around in a circle with an agreement that there should be
a forum to exchange these ideas. And it was there, where a common goal
brought government, NGOs, private sector, hackers and activists together to
create CrisisCamp.
CrisisCamps are hosted in a barcamp
style<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BarCamp> where
great minds come together to share their knowledge and expertise for social
CrisisCommons Wiki:
CrisisCamp on Twitter: @CrisisCamp <http://twitter.com/crisiscamp>
Be our friend on
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=72817669768&ref=ts<http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=72817669768&ref=ts>
CrisisCamp Ning: http://crisiscampdc. <http://crisiscampdc.ning.com/>
ning.com/ <http://crisiscampdc.ning.com/>
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