[liberationtech] Civic intelligence in Haiti Recovery?

Joshua Kauffman joshua.kauffman at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 14:23:16 PST 2010

For someone in interested in both construction and IT in the Haiti recovery
efforts, one excellent project is the Haiti Building Market, operated by the
Peace Dividend Trust.

The Haiti Building Market connects construction projects with local vendors,
consults and counsel Haitians on working on large-scale construction
projects, and is now setting up SMS and other IT tools for the communication
between buyers and vendors.  They have 20 people on the ground.


We are working in a consortium that is evaluating the adaptation of Ushahidi
for the reconstruction effort, as well as devising plans for the
strengthening of local informal community structures, both physical and
social, with IT. If you'd like more information about our project, please be
in touch.

Joshua Kauffman
REGIONAL Developmental Design

On 19 February 2010 16:34, Douglas Schuler
<douglas at publicsphereproject.org>wrote:

> Technologies of Liberation
> A friend of mine is planning to volunteer in Haiti with Architecture for
> Humanity in March or April. He plans to work with construction workers and
> other skilled people on reconstruction. He is also interested in IT and the
> development of the communications and the general SOCIAL infrastructure
> after the emergency.
> I told him that my own knowledge of this is pretty shallow I'd ask around
> in places where the knowledge is likely to be deeper. Are there important,
> interesting projects that he (and others) should know about?
> In addition to hoping that the people of Haiti can recover from this and
> lead lives with less hardship in the future I'm interested in understanding
> civic intelligence, particularly how it can be improved -- inside and
> outside of Haiti, in non-emergency and emergency situations. I'm working on
> a theory (or "theory frame") of civic intelligence so any insights you have
> on this -- as well as notes from the Haiti emergency -- would be extremely
> welcome.
> Please get back to me with your thoughts on this as soon as you get the
> opportunity.
> BTW, our "Civic Intelligence" pattern is at
> http://www.publicsphereproject.org/drupal/node/200 and our "Emergency
> Communication Systems" pattern is at
> http://www.publicsphereproject.org/drupal/node/320.
> Thanks!
> -- Doug
> Douglas Schuler
> douglas at publicsphereproject.org
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> Public Sphere Project
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> Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution
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