[liberationtech] Networking Democracy? New Media Innovations in Participatory Politics - Cluj, Romania

Kerstin Klein kersklein at yahoo.de
Sat Feb 13 13:34:58 PST 2010

Regarding the question about China and internet control:

I am in the very final stages of completing a PhD thesis on the question whether there has been a form of stem cell controversy in China, and I have looked at this in three different arenas, policymaking, mass media and public perception. As part of that I have been working on the internet as a new forum of public and relatively free speech in China. I have closely followed up on the developments in internet censorship and internet activism in China in the last two years.

If this is of interest, this is my contact: Kerstin Klein, London School of Economics and Political Science, email: k.s.klein at lse.ac.uk.

--- Lauren Gelman <gelman at stanford.edu> schrieb am Sa, 13.2.2010:

Von: Lauren Gelman <gelman at stanford.edu>
Betreff: Re: [liberationtech] Networking Democracy? New Media Innovations in Participatory Politics - Cluj, Romania
An: "Allen Yu" <yuallen at gmail.com>
CC: "Liberation Technologies" <liberationtech at mailman.stanford.edu>
Datum: Samstag, 13. Februar 2010, 20:20

This is a bigger set of issues than the question you originally asked.  The author of any work (including comments on a napkin) holds the full copyright in their work unless they relinquished some or all of their rights.  You are really asking about any implied license granted to publishers/editors to do certain things in the absence of any explicit license.  I'm happy to discuss this more with you off list.

On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:24 AM, Allen Yu wrote:

> So I guess any blogger has the right to demand their comments / posts
> be taken down at any time's notice?  What if website owners decide to
> censor part of the comments / posts of a blogger for aesthetic or
> profanity reasons - would the owners need permission?  What if a blog
> changes its format - for example its url - or maybe name - would the
> blog owner need to seek the permission from all authors or risk
> copyright violation?
> I don't think there has been case on this.  The reason I am asking
> this is because a group of us used to run a blog.  We invited people
> all over to submit articles and comments for publication.  However,
> the group have decided to go our separate ways.  The old blog will run
> for a while but soon be taken down.  A subset of the group will start
> a new blog - starting with the base of the old blog.  But we were
> wondering: do we have a right to move the content to the new blog?
> Who owns the content anyways?  In the old blog, we didn't have an
> explicit copyright statement.  In the new one, we will!
> Allen
> On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Lauren Gelman <gelman at stanford.edu> wrote:
>> rl
>> The author of the post holds copyright in their work.  Copyright affixes to
>> any content whether there is a notice or not, giving the author the full
>> protection of the law.
>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 1:06 AM, Allen Yu wrote:
>>> This is sort of off-topic, but I was wondering if anyone can point me
>>> to law concerning who has the rights to the content on a blog that is
>>> open for all to write and comment in... when there is no copyright
>>> notice anywhere on the blog.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Allen
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>> Lauren Gelman
>> BlurryEdge Strategies
>> 415-627-8512
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Lauren Gelman
BlurryEdge Strategies
gelman at blurryedge.com

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