[liberationtech] belarus opposition site hijacking

Hal Roberts hroberts at cyber.law.harvard.edu
Sun Dec 19 07:45:36 PST 2010

Hi All,

I've written up a report today about opposition sites in Belarus being 
hijacked with redirects to fake (presumably government controlled) 
versions by BELPAK, the national ISP:


I'm taking the redirects on faith according to a report by a digital 
activist that I trust, but you can see the faked sites with almost 
identical domain names yourself, as well as that the fake sites are all 
hosted within IP addresses owned by BELPAK.  He is also reporting some 
DDoS attacks and that international ports 443 and 465 are currently 
being blocked.


Hal Roberts
Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Harvard University
hroberts at cyber.law.harvard.edu
901 219 8676

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