[liberationtech] Session about online tools for capacity mapping and resource matching at the Nonprofit Technology Conference

Deborah Elizabeth Finn deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu
Thu Dec 16 18:52:28 PST 2010

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

A number of you have emailed me to say that you won't be able to
attend the Nonprofit Technology Conference this March in Washington,
DC, but that you'd like to be able to watch a remote web cast of our
session about online tools for capacity mapping and resource matching.

I spoke with the conference organizers today, and they said that a
very limited number of sessions will be live streamed.  However, they
are open to receiving input about which sessions to select for this

If you'd like to put in a request, please write to:

Anna Richter <anna at nten.org>


Sarah Janczak <sarah at nten.org>

You'll need to make a specific request that the Nonprofit Technology
Conference organizers select this session:

"Online Tools for Capacity Mapping and Resource Matching:  The Big Picture"
8:30 AM to 10:00 AM on Saturday, March 19

I can't guarantee that they'll say yes, but I can assure you that
they'll take your request seriously.

Best regards from Deborah

Deborah Elizabeth Finn
Strategist and Consultant
Technology for the Nonprofit and Philanthropic Sector
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Email: deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu
Blog: www.deborahelizabethfinn.com
Skype: Deborah909
Twitter: Deborah909
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah909
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Deborah.Elizabeth.Finn

I bring resources and needs together for nonprofits and
philanthropies, mostly through strategic use of information
and communication technologies.

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