[liberationtech] Haystack Q&A

Leila Zia leila.zia at gmail.com
Mon Aug 23 22:34:03 PDT 2010

Hi Austin,

   Good to have you on board. I'll start with the first question. where can
we download the software?


On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 5:27 PM, Austin Heap <me at austinheap.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I understand some of you have concerns/comments regarding our project.
> It would be great if a list could be compiled of 1) tech concerns and 2)
> other concerns since it's a bit much for me to dig through all the past
> discussions.
> I understand the OFAC questions are mostly cleared up. There was one
> comment about the month delay between Hillarys comment about our
> organization and our announcement. We, as an organization, were under zero
> obligation to make the license public, but wanted to let people know we were
> moving forward with project hurdles. OFAC/State left the decision in our
> hands to disclose the license or not. These licenses are generally not made
> public because, let's face it, it would be stupid on their behalf to out the
> people they're licensing in many cases.
> I completely understand that the lack of transparency is frustrating to
> some. As many of you know, some of the issues we're dealing with here at
> Haystack are rather sensitive so we prefer to be overly cautious for the
> moment. Also, if we answered everyone's demanding emails, we'd get nothing
> done. We're a small team and just trying to do things right. So we're
> grateful for the expert mentor-ship we have thus far received.
> Anyway, I look forward to hearing from many of you and I look forward to a
> constructive, mature conversation. I'll be as transparent as our
> organization has decided to be, and I trust that will be respected.
> For those individual(s) on this list who have a history of being
> confrontational in order to grab attention, I won't be responding to your
> emails. Grow up.
> Thanks all, I hope to learn much from all your experiences and hope to make
> our project as best as it can be with your insights,
> All bests,
>  Austin
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