[liberationtech] Join us at the EDEM10: Conference for eDemocracy 6-7 May 2010, Danube University Krems

Noella Edelmann noella.edelmann at donau-uni.ac.at
Mon Apr 19 02:36:48 PDT 2010

The Conference Programme of the EDEM10: Conference for eDemocracy 6-7
May 2010, Danube University Krems, Austria is now available:

Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Stevan Harnad
American Scientist Open Access Forum; Universite du Quebec a Montreal,
CAN; University of Southampton, UK

Ismael Peña-López
Open University of Catalonia, School of Law and Political Science,
Barcelona, ESP

Micah L. Sifry
Personal Democracy Forum, TechPresident, New York, USA

Andy Williamson
Hansard Society, London, UK

Confirmed Workshops
Open Access: Is Creative Commons the right Answer for Public Domain?
Roland Alton-Scheidl

MOMENTUM, WAVE, eMPOWER, VIDI and Europetition
Daniel van Lerberghe/Politech-Institute
Momentum, Politech Institute

Best Methods for undemocratic E-Participation (a PEP-NET Workshop)
Dan Jellinek/Headstar, Hans Hagedorn/Zebralog

Social Networking and eParticipation
 Ella Taylor Smith/Napier University, Ralf Lindner/Fraunhofer ISI

Implementation of Internet-Voting at the Austrian Students' Election
Carl-Markus Piswanger/BRZ

World Vote Now
A Film by Joel Mardson

Register at: http://tinyurl.com/EDem10Registration 

I look forward to seeing you there!


Noella Edelmann BA, MSc, MAS
EDem10 Conference
eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government
Digital Government Blog
Centre for E-Government
Danube University Krems
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Strasse 30
3500 Krems 
Tel.: ++43 2732 893 2303
noella.edelmann at donau-uni.ac.at 

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